[Babelon, Invent. de la Coll. Waddington (1898), pp. 222-70.
British Museum Cat. of Greek Coins, Lycaonia, Isauria, and Cilicia, by G. F. Hill (1900).
Imhoof-Blumer, Kleinasiat. Münzen, ii. (1902), pp. 422-94.]
Cilicia falls naturally into two parts, an eastern low-lying fertile plain, watered by the Pyramus and Sarus (Cilicia Campestris), and a western, mountainous land (Cilicia Tracheia, practically equivalent to the later Roman division of Isauria). In the present work this division is ignored, and an alphabetical arrangement is adopted, the western boundary of the district towards Pamphylia being drawn at the river Melas, the eastern east of the Gulf of Issus, so as to include Alexandreia ad Issum and exclude Nicopolis and Germanicia Caesareia.
The coinage of Cilicia down to about the middle of the fifth century consisted of silver Aeginetic staters (c. 180 grs.) struck at uncertain mints. Somewhat later Celenderis, Mallus, Nagidus, Soli, and Tarsus, and still later Issus, began to strike silver money on the Persic standard (c. 170- 160 grs.). These six towns were probably the only important Cilician mints before the age of Alexander. Their money is partly municipal and partly satrapal, i. e. struck in the names or with the types of the Persian satraps, who made the Cilician ports the base of their opera- tions against Cyprus and Egypt in the earlier part of the fourth cen- tury B.C.
The coin-legends, as might be expected in a country with a mixed
population like Cilicia, are frequently bilingual, the Greek language
prevailing in the western, and the Aramaic in the eastern half of the
country. It is worthy of remark that a large number of the extant
silver staters are countermarked with the figure of a bull standing, with
the two Aramaic letters (יז) above its back (see infra, Issus). With
the expedition of Alexander, the satrapal coinage comes to an end, and
is superseded by the new royal coinage of Alexander. This, followed by
the money of the Seleucid kings, formed the chief currency of Cilicia
down to the time when Pompey reorganized the country as a Roman
province, B.C. 64. About this time begins a plentiful issue of autono-
mous bronze coins at all the principal towns, under Roman protection.
many of which are dated according to various local eras. But until
A. D. 74 Cilicia Tracheia remained largely under the rule of local princes,
and the quasi-autonomous coinage with magistrates’ initials or mono-
grams lasted longer here than elsewhere in Asia Minor outside the
province of Asia. The Imperial coins are very numerous; silver occurs
exceptionally from Domitian to Caracalla at Aegeae, Mopsuestia, Seleuceia,
Tarsus, and perhaps also at Elaeussa-Sebaste; for the weights see B. M.
Catal. under these towns.
Adana on the Sarus. Under Antiochus IV of Syria (B.C. 175-164) bronze with inscr. ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΩΙ ΣΑΡΩΙ. Types—
Aegeae (Ayas), on the Gulf of Issus. Æ of Antiochus IV of Syria. Rev. ΑΙΓΕΑΙΩΝ. Bust of horse. Autonomous Æ from circ. B.C. 164. Inscr., at first ΑΙΓΕΑΙΩΝ, then also ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ (or ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ). Types—Zeus; Athena; Herakles; Head of Per- seus; Head of Alexander the Great (?); Turreted head of City; rev. Bust or Forepart of horse; Goat; Club; &c. Era, Caesarean (autumn B.C. 47). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Augustus to Gallienus. Severus Alex. is called ΑΡΧ(ηγετης) ΝЄΟΙΚ(ου) ΑCΚΛΗ(πιειον) (Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 202). Inscr., ΑΙΓΕΑΙΩΝ, with complimentary titles ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ. ΚΟΜΟΔΙΑΝΩΝ, CЄVΗΡΙΑΝΩΝ, ΑΛЄΞΑΝΔΡΟV- ΠΟΛΙC, ΜΑΚΡЄΙΝΟVΠΟ., ΜΑΚЄ(δονικης) ЄVΓЄΝ(ους) ΠΙCΤΗC ΘЄΟ- ΦΙΛΟVC ΝЄΩΚΟΡΟV ΑΙΓΑΙΑC, ΝΑVΑΡΧΙΔΟC, &c. Magistrates names in early period, abbreviated, and name of legate Q. Terent. Culleo (ΕΠΙ ΚΟVΛΕΩΝΟC) under Tiberius. Types—Athena; Dionysos; Tyche; Dioskuri; Perseus; Herakles; Asklepios, Hygieia and Telesphoros; Amaltheia with infant Zeus; Fountain-nymph; Busts of Sarapis and Isis; Kadmos before Thebes; Figure of ΕΚΚΛΗ(σια) seated; Goat with torches on horns; Lighthouse and ships; Bridge over Pyramus (ΔΩΡΕΑ ΠVΡΑΜΟC the bridge being the gift of the Emperor); Boot; &c. The recumbent goat is a frequent symbol. There are AR tetradrachms of Hadrian and a billon coin of Valerian. Games—ΙЄΡΟC ΟΙΚΟVΜЄ- ΝΙΚΟC ΑCΚΛΗΠΙΟC.
Alexandreia ad Issum (near Alexandretta, Iskanderun). Æ of Anti- ochus IV of Syria. Inscr., ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΩΝ. Types—King’s head on shield; Zeus standing; Nike. Autonomous Æ from B.C. 164: Head of Alexander as young Herakles, rev. Zeus. Quasi-autonomous and Im- perial from Trajan to Sev. Alexander. Inscr., ΑΛЄΞΑΝΔΡЄΩΝ, usually with ΚΑΤ ΙCCΟΝ, and with dates probably according to era of autumn B.C. 67/6. Types—Head of Alexander the Great(?); Athena; Dionysos; Kybele on lion; Bust of City; Tyche.
Anazarbus (Anavarza), on the Pyramus, reckoned its era from autumn B.C. 19, in which year it received the title Caesareia. Autono- mous Æ of first century B.C. Inscr., ΑΝΑΖΑΡΒΕΩΝ. Types—Head of Zeus; Zeus seated; Tyche holding corn and cornucopiae. Quasi- autonomous and Imperial, Claudius(?) to Gallienus. ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕΩΝ alone or with (ΤΩΝ) ΠΡΟΣ (ΤΩ) ΑΝΑΖΑΡΒΩ or VΠ ΑΝΑΖΑΡ. until com- modus; then ΑΝΑΖΑΡΒΕΩΝ or ΑΝΑΖΑΡΒΟV. Titles rivaling those
Anemurium in Cetis, on the promontory nearest to Cyprus, was a mint of Antiochus IV of Commagene (A. D. 38-72). Inscr., ΑΝЄΜΟΥΡΙЄΩΝ. Types—Head of king; Artemis huntress in long chiton. Also coins with inscr. ΚΙΗΤΩΝ. Types—Scorpion and crescent. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Titus to Gallienus. Inscr., ΑΝЄΜΟΥΡΙЄΩΝ or ΑΝЄ- ΜΟVΡЄΩΝ. Types—Perseus; Mummy-shaped figure of Artemis; Tyche in temple; Lion and crescent. Regnal dates of the Emperors.
Antiocheia ad Cragum, on the coast between Selinus and Anemurium (N. Chr., 1895, p. 288). Imperial, Pius to Valerian. Inscr., ΑΝΤΙΟ- ΧЄΩΝ ΤΗC ΠΑΡΑ or ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟV. Types—Eagle; Tyche in temple.
Antiocheia ad Cydnum. See Tarsus.
Antiocheia ad Sarum. See Adana.
Aphrodisias on the peninsula of Zephyrium. To this city is attributed (Imhoof, Kl. M., ii. 435) an important series of coins of the Aeginetic standard.
Beardless (usually female ?) winged
figure in kneeling-running attitude,
holding uncertain objects. [B. M. C., Pl. XV. 10-12.] |
Conical baetyl in rude incuse square.
AR Staters 185 grs.
Female winged figure, in kneeling-run-
ning attitude, holding caduceus or
staff and wreath. [B. M. C., Pl. XVI. 1-7.] |
Incuse square containing conical or
pyramidal baetyl, sometimes with
handles, between granulated patches,
pair of birds, or bunches of grapes;
on stone or in field, sometimes ![]() AR Staters 180 grs.
In the time of Pharnabazus, coins on the Persic standard were perhaps issued at the same mint:
Aphrodite, wearing polos, seated be- tween two sphinxes, smelling flower. [B. M. C., Pl. XIX. 14.] | Athena Parthenos standing to front,
holding Nike who is about to crown
her, resting r. on olive-tree, l. on
shield. (Copy of the Parthenos of
Pheidias.). AR Staters 154 grs.
Gorgoneion. [Imhoof, Kl. M., Pl. XVI. 24.] |
Sphinx seated AR Obol 10.8 grs.
Id. [Imhoof, l. c., Pl. XVI. 25.] | Head of Athena. AR Obol 12.2 grs.
Beardless head [Imhoof, M. G., p. 373 75] or Head of Hermes [Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., 1908, p. 204]. | Aphrodite seated between sphinxes,
smelling flower and holding flower
with long stalk. AR Obol 8.8 grs.
Facing female head. [Ibid.] | ![]() Æ size 3.5
If this attribution is correct, probably the colonial coin of Sept. Severus, reading CO. IVL. AV..., with seated Aphrodite smelling a flower, belongs to the same mint (Imhoof, M. G., p. 374. 77; Kl. M., p. 435).
Augusta, on the Pyramus or the Sarus, probably derived its name from Livia Augusta. Imperial, Livia to Gallienus. Era, autumn A.D. 20. Inscr., ΑVΓΟΥΣΤΑΝΩΝ. Types—Bust of young Dionysos; Athena; Artemis; Tyche with river-god at feet; Tyche seated and standing female figure; Athlete seated on table crowning himself; &c.
Carallia (Ueskeles Keui near Beysheher). Imperial, Μ. Aurelius to Gallienus. Inscr., ΚΑΡΑΛΛΙΩΤΩΝ. Types—Athena fighting, serpent round tree beside her (Imhoof, Kl. M., Pl. XVII. 13); Athena voting; Aphrodite arranging her hair; Selene with torch; Tyche seated in temple; &c. Marks of value Γ, Η, ΙΑ on later coins.
Casae (near Carallia). Imperial, Sev. Alexander to Valerian. Inscr., ΚΑCΑΤΩΝ. Types—Athena; Herakles strangling lion, or holding apples; Rape of Persephone; Hekate with two torches; &c.
Castabala. See Hieropolis.
Celenderis (Tchelindre), on the coast of Tracheia, said to have been founded by Sandokos, father of Kinyras. The early coinage is on the Persic standard.
ΚΕΛ Nude horseman with whip, riding sideways. | Goat kneeling, with symbols; incuse
circle. AR Staters 170 grs.
AR Tetrobols 55 grs. |
Id. (sometimes letters). | ΚΕΛΕΝ Goat as above; incuse circle.
(Fig. 319). AR Staters 170 grs.
Id. [N. Chr., 1896, Pl. III. 4; Imhoof, Kl. M., p. 453.] | ΚΕΛΕΝΔΕΡΙΤΙΚΟΝ Goat as above;
incuse square. AR Stater 161.4 grs.
To the same period belong obols and half-obols (often uninscribed) with Goat (or forepart) kneeling; Gorgoneion; Head of Athena; Forepart of Pegasos; Astragalos; Free horse; Head of bearded Herakles; &c.
Nude horseman as above. | ΚΕΛΕΝ (or abbrev.). Goat kneeling as
above. AR Staters 170 grs.
Also obols and half-obols as before.
During the second and first centuries B.C. and under the early Empire Celenderis issued Æ inscr. ΚΕ or ΚΕΛΕΝΔΕΡΙΤΩΝ, with magistrates' initials. Types—Gorgoneion; Goat; Laureate head of hero; Turreted bust of City; Apollo standing. Antiochus IV of Commagene (A. D. 38-72) issued here coins with his head and the type of Apollo. Imperial, Domitian to Trajan Decius. Inscr. ΚЄΛЄΝΔЄΡΙΤWΝ. Types—Athena; Demeter in serpent-car; Poseidon; Infant Dionysos enthroned, three Korybantes around him; &c.
Cennatis. See Diocaesareia, Lalassis, and Olba.
Cestrus, an inland town not far from Selinus. Imperial, Antoninus Pius, Aelius, Faustina II. Inscr., ΚЄCΤΡΗΝWΝ. Types—Eagle; Crescent and star; Tyche.
Cetis or Cietis. A large district, including Olba, part of the Calycadnus valley, and the country south of it, and the districts of Cennatis, Lalassis, and Lacanatis. For coins inscr. ΚΙΗΤΩΝ see Anemurium.
Cibyra Minor (on the coast, near the Pamphylian border). Autono- mous Æ of second or first century B.C. Inscr., ΚΙΒΥΡΑΤΩΝ with dates (?) ΔΚ or ΕΚ. Types—Zeus; Dioskuri; Hermes; Nike crowning trophy. Imhoof, Gr. Münzk., p. 679.
Claudiopolis (Mut), in the Calycadnus valley. Imperial of Hadrian. Inscr., ΚΛΑVΔΙΟΠΟΛΙΤW[Ν]. Type—Tyche. This coin is of the fabric of the neighbourhood, and cannot belong to Bithynium-Claudio- polis; but possibly it represents the non-colonial portion of a double community, of which the colony Ninica Claudiopolis (q. v.) formed the other portion.
Colybrassus, an inland city near the Pamphylian border, not far from Side. Imperial, Aurelius to Saloninus. Inscr., ΚΟΛVΒΡΑCCЄWΝ. Types—Zeus (sometimes in temple); Athena; Hephaestos forging shield; Asklepios; Hygieia; Hermes; Gymnasiarch’s oil-basin in temple (ΓVΜ- ΝΑCΙΑΡΧΙΑ); &c. Marks of value Γ, Є, and ΙΑ on later coins.
Coracesium (Aláya). Imperial, Trajan to Saloninus. Inscr., ΚΟΡΑ- ΚΗCΙΩΤΩΝ. Types—Zeus; Athena voting; Demeter drawn by serpents, or standing; Apollo Sidetes; Helios in quadriga; Hermes; Goddess on horseback. Mark of value ΙΑ on later coins.
Coropissus (a metropolis of Cetis, between Laranda and Claudiopolis). Imperial, Hadrian to Valerian. Inscr., ΚΟΡΟΠΙCCЄΩΝ (or ΚΟΡΟ- ΠЄΙCЄWΝ) with or without ΤΗC ΚΙΗΤWΝ (or ΚΗΤWΝ) ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ. Types—Perseus and Andromeda with slain κητος; Zeus; Athena; Apollo; Nike; Tyche seated in temple; &c.
Corycus (Korgos, on the coast, south-west of Elaeussa; near it was the Corycian cave, cf. Pind., Pyth., i. 31; Strab., xiv. 670; Plin., N. H., v. 92). Autonomous Æ of first century B.C. with magistrates’ names abbreviated. Inscr., ΚΩΡΥΚΙΩΤΩΝ. Types—Turreted head of City; Hermes standing; Bust of Thalassa with crab-shell head-dress; Apollo with branch. Æ of Antiochus IV of Commagene (A. D. 38-72). Type—Female figure seated with phiale. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Trajan to Gallienus. Inscr. as before, with ΑVΤΟΝΟΜΩΝ or ΑVΤΟΝΟΜΟV, sometimes ΝΑVΑΡΧΙC. Types—Hermes; Aphlaston; Caduceus; Head (of Aphro- dite?) with inscr. ΟΡΟΝ (unexplained); Poseidon; Artemis; Apollo; Zeus; Okeanos reclining; Thalassa, with crab’s claws as head-dress, holding aphlaston and oar; Aphrodite (?), with prow at feet, holding aphlaston and sceptre; Dionysos standing before table with prize crown (inscr. ΘЄΜΙΔος); &c.
Diocaesareia (metropolis of Cennatis, in the lower Calycadnus valley). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial. Domitian to Philip. Inscr., ΔΙΟ- ΚΑΙCΑΡЄΩΝ (or ΔΙΟΚЄCΑΡЄΩΝ) ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ, later also ΜΗΤΡΟ. ΚЄΝΝΑΤΙΔ[ΟC] or ΚЄΝΝΑΤΩΝ (ΚЄΝΑΤΩΝ). Types—Grapes; Hermes; Bust of City; Eagle; Thunderbolt; Temple of Zeus with thunderbolt; Thunderbolt on throne; Zeus hurling thunderbolt (inscr. ΟΛΒΟC ‘prosperity’); Athena in quadriga hurling thunderbolt (cf. Seleuceia ad Calycadnum); Athena standing; Herakles seated on lion- skin; Tyche and seated City, river-god at their feet; Arched gateway with statues. Eagle and thunderbolt are common countermarks.
Epiphaneia (near the head of the Gulf of Issus). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Trajan to Gallienus. Inscr., ЄΠΙΦΛΝЄΩΝ, on earliest coins also ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟ. Era, 68 B.C. Types—Athena; Demeter; Apollo; Helios; Artemis; Dionysos (bust, figure standing or in car drawn by panthers with satyr); Poseidon; Hades; Asklepios and Hygieia; &c.
Flaviopolis (on the spurs of Mt. Taurus, above Anazarbus), named after Vespasian, who organized the province in 74; era begins in autumn of A.D. 73 or 74. Imperial, Domitian to Gallienus. Inscr., ΦΛΑΟVΙΟ- ΠΟΛЄΜΩΝ (or ΦΛΑVΙ-). Types—Athena; Cultus-statue of Artemis between stags browsing on trees; Sarapis; Busts of Isis and Sarapis confronted; Bust of Kronos veiled; Herakles with apples; Helios; Dioskuri (busts, or figures standing with crescent between them); Tyche seated with river-god at feet; Genius seated to front sacrificing between two vases.
Germanicopolis (Ermenek) in Lalassis. Imperial of Hadrian. Inscr., ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗ ΓЄΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙ... Types—Bust of Apollo; Zeus standing.
Hieropolis-Castabala (Budrum on the Pyramus). Æ of Antiochus IV (B.C. 175-164). Inscr., ΙΕΡΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΓΙΡΟΕ ΤΩΙ ΠΥΡΛΜΩΙ. Type—Eagle. From thence to Imperial times, autonomous Æ. Inscr. as before, sometimes also ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ. Types—Turreted head of City; Eagle; Goddess of Hieropolis (Artemis Perasia) enthroned, eagle under seat; River-god Pyramos (half-figure) swimming, holding eagle. The coins of Tarcondimotus I and Philopator (see p. 735) were issued here. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Ant. Pius to Gallienus. Inscr., ΙЄΡΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ (or -ЄΙΤΩΝ), with or without ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟC ΤΩ ΠΥ- ΡΑΜΩ, after Sept. Severus with ΚΑCΤΑΒΑΛЄΩΝ. Types—Bust of heroised king, diademed; Bust of Hekate veiled, with torch; of Artemis; of young Dionysos; Zeus; Bust or figure of Helios; Tyche seated in temple, river-god at her feet; Prize-crown and torches (ΙЄΡΟC; Naked youth running; Torch and caduceus; &c.; Marks of value (Valerian and Gallienus) Δ, Ϛ.
Holmi, on the coast south of Seleuceia. The coinage (silver of the Persic standard, of which the staters show a connexion with Side, q. v.) ceased when Seleucus transferred the inhabitants to his foundation Seleuceia.
Athena standing, holding Nike; before her, dolphin. [Imhoof, G. M., p. 710, 562; Kl. M., Pl. XVII. 9.] | ΟΛΜΙΤΙΚΟΝ Apollo Sarpedonios
standing, with long laurel-branch
and phiale (as on staters of Side).
AR Stater 149 grs.
Head of Athena. [Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., 1908, p. 209.] | ΟΛΜ, ΟΛΜΙΤΙ, ΟΛΜΙΤΙΚΟΝ or ΟΛ-
ΜΙΤΟΝ Head of Apollo or of a
goddess. AR 12 grs. or less
Æ size .5 |
Iotape, on the coast north-west of Selinus. Imperial, Trajan to Valerian. Inscr., ΙWΤΑΠЄΙΤWΝ. Types—Perseus with head of Medusa; Apollo; Tyche; &c. Mark of value (Valerian) Η.
Irenopolis, the Eastern city, near Anazarbus, perhaps at Kars Bazar. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Nero to Gallienus. Inscr., ΙΡΗΝΟ- ΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ or ЄΙΡΗΝΟΠΟΛЄΙΤΩΝ. Era begins from autumn of A. D. 51 or 52. Types—Bust of Kronos, veiled; Zeus; Athena; Hera- kles reclining; Dionysos in car of panthers, to front; Bust of young Dionysos; Demeter in biga of oxen; Asklepios and Hygieia; Eirene- Nemesis; Nike crowning City-goddess; Tyche with river-god at feet; Busts of Sarapis and Isis; Caduceus between two cornuacopiae. For the Western Irenopolis see Lacanatis.
Isaura Nova, metropolis of Isauria proper, perhaps at Tris Maden (Siristat). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Severus to Mamaea. Inscr., ΙCΑΥΡΩΝ or ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛЄΩC ΙCΑΥΡΩΝ. Types—Head of
Issus, at the head of the gulf of the same name. No coins can with certainty be assigned to it before the fourth century.
ΙΣ[ΣΙ] or ΙΣΣΙ[ΚΟΝ ?] and traces of Aramaic legend; Apollo with long laurel-branch and phiale. | Herakles, beardless, holding club, bow,
and lion-skin; symbol, ankh. [Im-
hoof, Monn. gr., p. 355].
AR Stater 165 grs.
ΙΣ ? Baal standing, holding sceptre and eagle. | Id. [Babelon, Perses Ach., No. 157,
Pl. III. 17]. AR Stater 160.5 grs.
ΙΣΣΙΚΟΝ and תריבזו (Teribazu) in Aramaic. Baal standing, holding sceptre and eagle. | Ahura-mazda as half-figure terminated
by winged solar disk, holding wreath
and flower; magistrate’s name ΑΜΙ.
AR Persic stater
Similar coins were issued by Tiribazus, while organizing the war against Euagoras I, from Mallus, Soli, and Tarsus. Pharnabazus (B.C. 379-374) also perhaps struck coins at or for Issus (with ankh of peculiar form, see under Tarsus). Under Mazaeus (B.C. 361-333) or later, staters with Baaltars seated, rev. City-walls, with lion slaying bull above, or facing bust of Athena, were issued with the mint-marks of the same four towns (see Tarsus). The Aramaic countermark iz with a bull, common on coins of the south coast, is generally supposed to indicate Issus.
Lacanatis, an inland district of Cetis. Æ of Antiochus IV of Com- magene and his sons Epiphanes and Callinicus (A. D. 38-74). Inscr., ΛΑΚΑΝΑΤΩΝ. Types—Scorpion; Armenian tiara; Capricorn; the two princes (ΒΑCΙΛЄΩC ΥΙΟΙ) on horseback; Anchor between crossed cornuacopiae containing their heads. The mint was perhaps the western Irenopolis (Irnebol).
Laerte, on the coast near the western border. Imperial, Trajan to Saloninus. Inscr., ΛΑЄΡΤЄΙΤΩΝ. Types—Zeus seated or standing; Apollo Sidetes; Athena (with olive-tree); Demeter; Ares; Dionysos; Hermes; Nike in quadriga; Female figure seated, holding aplustre and short sceptre; &c. Marks of value on later coins Γ, Η, ΙΑ.
Lalassis, a district of Tracheia, north of Lacanatis. The coins of the Lalasseis, struck in common with the Cennatae, were probably all issued from Olba, q. v.
Lamus, metropolis of Lamotis, inland from Antiocheia and Charadra (B. C. H., 1899, p. 591), distinct from the town on the river Lamus.
Lyrbe, near Side, on the western border. Imperial, M. Aurelius to Saloninus. Inscr., ΛΥΡΒЄΙΤΩΝ. Types—Zeus; Apollo Sidetes; Hades with Kerberos; Ares; Athena voting; Dionysos; Helios; Goddess with spear; Hekate triformis; Nike and seated City-goddess. Mark of value ΙΑ on later coins.
Mallus, one of the oldest cities in Cilicia, on the lower course of the Cydnus, was according to one tradition founded by Mopsos and Amphi- lochos, the latter of whom had a famous oracle on the spot. The coin- age (see especially Imhoof, Ann. de Num., 1883, pp. 89 f.; B. M. C., Lycaonia, &c., pp. cxvii f.; Imhoof, Kl. M., ii, pp. 406 f.) begins towards the end of the filth century B.C.
Beardless male winged figure, nude to waist, in kneeling-running posture, holding in both hands a disk with star on it; sometimes Aramaic inscr. מרלו (mrlu). | ΜΑΡΛΟΤΑΝ, ΜΑΡΛΟ, ΜΑΛΡΟ (or
other abbreviation). Swan; in field,
various symbols, ankh, &c. Concave
field. (Fig. 320). AR Staters
Bearded figure (Kronos?), with four wings or with two large wings at shoulders and two small ones at ankles, sometimes janiform, in kneeling-run- ning posture, holding disk (sometimes with animal’s head on it); below, on one variety, forepart of man-headed bull. | ΜΑΡ, ΜΑΡΛ, or ΜΑΡΛΟ Swan; in
field sometimes symbols. Incuse
square or circle [Hunter Cat., ii, Pl.
LIX. 11, 12]. AR Staters
To the same period belong small coins (14.5 grs. or less) with types— Head of Herakles bearded; Head of Athena; Winged half-figure; Swan; Astragalos. The swan on the above coin is doubtless the symbol of Astarte-Aphrodite, and the bird must have been common on the Pyramus marshes. Kronos appears in a Hellenized form on later coins.
Young Dionysos seated in vine with grapes. [B. M. C., Pl. XVII. 1.] | ΜΑΡΛ? Male figure ploughing with
yoke of oxen; above, winged disk; in
field, barley-corn. AR Stater
Head of Kronos, bearded, wearing decorated taenia. | ΜΑΛ Demeter holding torch and ears
of barley. AR Stater
ΜΑΡ and Teribazu in Aramaic; Baal standing, with sceptre and eagle. | Ahura-mazda as half-figure terminated
by winged solar disk, holding wreath
and flower. AR Stater
King of Persia in kneeling-running posture, with spear and bow. | King of Persia as on obv., but holds
bow and draws arrow from quiver.
AR Stater
Similar. | ΜΑΛ Group of Herakles and lion on
capital of column. AR Stater
Athena seated with spear and shield; olive-tree behind her. | ΜΑΛ Hermes and Aphrodite standing.
AR Stater
Id. [B. M. C., Pl. XVII. 8.] | ΜΑΛ Nike kneeling on club and
writing her name ΝΙΚΗ. AR Stater
Head of Herakles, lion-skin round neck. | ΜΑΛ Conventional head of bearded
satrap in low tiara. AR Stater
Id. [Babelon, Inv. Wadd., Pl. X. 15.] | ΤΕΙΡΙΒΖΟΥ Similar. AR Stater
Head of Aphrodite or Demeter. | ΜΑΛ or ΜΑΛΛΩΤΗΣ Similar.
AR Stater
To the same period belong small coins (13 grs. or less) with types— Veiled head of Demeter, rev. Demeter with torch and ears of barley; Persian king with spear and bow, rev. Head of Satrap (but see Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., 1908, p. 107); Baal standing (Teri in Aramaic and double-barred ankh), rev. Head of Ahura-mazda; Bearded head, rev. Athena seated; Head of Apollo, rev. Baal seated. Bronze is intro- duced in this period—Head of Triptolemos (?) wearing corn-wreath, rev. Gorgoneion.
To the time of Alexander and his successors may be assigned, besides tetradrachms (Müller, 1308-1318), the staters with Baal seated, rev. Lion slaying bull over two lines of wall, or Head of Athena facing, with mint-mark Μ (see under Tarsus). Under Demetrius II of Syria (B.C. 145-125) and later were issued tetradrachms, drachms, and autonomous bronze coins with mint-mark Μ or ΜΑΛ, rev. Cultus figure of Athena Magarsis, wearing triple-crested helmet, fringe of serpents on either side of body from waist down, holding sceptre, rosettes at sides. After the delivery of Cilicia from Tigranes in B.C. 69, Mallus issued Æ. Inscr., ΜΑΛΛΩΤΩΝ. Types—Head of Apollo, rev. Athena seated.
Imperial, Tiberius to Macrinus. Inscr., ΜΑΛΛΩΤΩΝ, or ΜΑΛ. ΙЄΡ. ΤΟΥ (or sometimes ΠΟΛεως?) ΘЄΟΥ ΑΜΦΙΛΟΧΟΥ. Era, B.C. 68 or 67. Types—Athena Magarsis; Amphilochos holding branch and sceptre, boar at his feet; Tyche seated or standing with two river-gods at her feet. Colonial (some quasi-autonomous), Elagabalus to Valerian. Under Elagabalus Mallus received a colony. Inscr., MALLO COLONIA, sometimes also FELEX (sic), usually also S. C. Types—Bust of Senate (SACRA SINATUS sic); Tyche seated between vexilla, with two river- gods at her feet; Amphilochos with tripod and boar, or with Athena, Prize-crown (ΔЄΙ ΑΜFΙLΟCΗΙ, sic); Emperor with yoke of oxen, crowned by genius and offering statuette to Tyche; &c.
Mopsus or Mopsuestia (Missis), on the Pyramus, was founded by Mopsos, brother of Amphilochos. Under Antiochus IV of Syria it was called Seleuceia. Regal and autonomous Æ. Inscr., ΣΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΝ
Myus, on the coast between Celenderis and Posidium. To this, rather than to the Ionian Myus, probably belongs a coin of Domitian. rev. ΜΥЄΙΤΩΝ ΜΑΝΑ, Nike (Z. f. N., xii. 334; B. M. C., xlvi).
Nagidus (Boz Yazi, between Anemurium and Posidium) began to coin on the Persic standard towards the end of the fifth century.
Aphrodite enthroned, crowned by Eros, whom she supports on her r. hand. | ΝΑΓΙΔΙΚΟΝ or ΝΑΓΙΔ (retrogr.)
Bearded Dionysos wearing himation,
standing, holding thyrsos and grapes;
incuse circle. AR Staters
Aphrodite enthroned, Eros standing beside her. | ΝΑΓΙΔΕΩΝ Bearded Dionysos,
chlamys over shoulders, holding kan-
tharos and thyrsos; incuse circle.
AR Staters
Head of bearded Dionysos, wreathed with ivy. | ΝΑΓΙΔΕΩΝ or ΝΑΓΙΔΙΚΟΝ Head
of Aphrodite, hair in sphendone.
AR Staters
Aphrodite enthroned, holding phiale over altar; behind, Eros crowning her. | ΝΑΓΙΔΕΩΝ Bearded Dionysos stand-
ing, wearing himation, holding thyrsos
and vine-branch with grapes.
AR Staters
Aphrodite enthroned, holding phiale; behind her, crouching Eros. | ΝΑΓΙΔ Similar. AR Tetrobol
To the same period belong obols. Types—Dionysos standing; Head of Dionysos; of Aphrodite; of Pan; Amphora; &c.
פרנבזו (Pharnabazu) in Aramaic. Head
of Ares. [B. M. C., Pl. XL. 10.] |
ΝΑΓΙΔΙΚΟΝ Aphrodite, wearing
polos, on throne flanked by sphinxes,
smelling flower, and holding phiale.
[Cf. Aphrodisias, p. 718 f.] AR Stater
Aphrodite on backless throne, holding phiale, crowned by flying Eros; below seat, mouse; in exergue, Ω. | ΝΑΓΙΔΕΩΝ Bearded Dionysos stand-
ing, wearing himation, holding
thyrsos and vine-branch with grapes;
letters in field. AR Staters
Similar, but Aphrodite wears polos, throne has back; usually, flower growing before her; no letters. | ΝΑΓΙΔΙΚΟΝ As preceding; magis-
trate’s name ΤΩΝΔΩ or initials
(Fig. 321). AR Staters
To the same period belong bronze coins with types—Head of Aphrodite; of young Herakles in lion-skin; of Dionysos bearded; of Pan; Kantharos.
Ninica Claudiopolis. See Kubitschek, Num. Zeit., xxxiv (1902), pp. 1-27; he would identify this city with the Claudiopolis at Mut (see above, Claudiopolis). The colony was probably founded by Domitian, and named after his deified wife (see Ramsay, Oesterr. Jahresh., Beibl., 1904, p. 76). The coinage is Colonial from Trajan to Maximus. Inscr., COL. IVL. AVG. FELI. NINIC. CLAVD., NINI. COL. CLAV- DIOPOLI. &c., variously abbreviated and blundered. Types—Athena standing holding Nike; Dionysos on car drawn by panthers, led by Seilenos; Satyr with wine-skin; Bust of Tyche; Wolf and twins; Flaming altar; Founder with yoke of oxen, vexillum behind; Temple façade (tetrastyle); Two vexilla; &c. Counter-marks, Δ in circle, star, Nike, eagle.
Olba (Oura) was said to have been founded by Ajax, son of Teucer, who established there a famous temple of Zeus (site at Uzundja-Burdi, ‘tall castle’). The high priests in the time of Augustus and Tiberius ruled over not only Olba, but also Cennatis and Lalassis. The coinage begins about the end of the first century B.C. : Æ with inscr. ΟΛΒΕΩΝ. Types—Throne and Thunderbolt of Zeus Olbios. Then follow coins of the high-priests (Num. Chr., 1899, pp. 181-207) :—
Quasi-autonomous. Inscr., ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΩΣ ΑΙΑΝΤΟΣ ΤΕΥΚΡΟΥ, rev. ΤΟΠΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΕΝΝΝΑΤ. ΛΑΛΑΣΣ. (ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΩΣ sometimes on rev.) or
ΕΠΙ ΝΕΩΝΟΣ. Dates—Τ Ι and ΙΑ (magistrate’s name omitted in
year 11). Types—Head of Polemon; Sacred throne (sometimes with
triskeles symbol); Thunderbolt.
Between this and the time of Hadrian coins were struck at Olba in the name of the ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΛΑΛΑΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΚΕΝΝΑΤΩΝ by Polemon II of Pontus, circ. A. D 41-68 (types—Club and Harpa); also with the head of Domitian Caesar (type, Cornucopiae). A coin of Galba, rev. ΒΑCΙΛΕΥC Μ. ΑΝΤ. ΠΟΛΕΜΩΝ, Athena standing, was also probably issued in Cilicia.
Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Hadrian to Philip. Inscr., ΟΛΒЄΩΝ. sometimes also ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΙΑΝΩΝ and ΜΗ. Κ(Ι)Η(τιδος); a coin of Geta has [ΜΗΤΡ.?] ΚЄΝΝ(ατων). Types—Head of Athena; Spear between caps of Dioskuri; Throne of Zeus; Hermes; Head of Herakles; Bust of City; Club; Crenellated tower; Eagle on thunderbolt; Bust of Selene; of Sarapis; River-god; ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ of M. Aurelius and L. Verus; Zeus seated; Dionysos; Selene in biga of bulls, stars in the field; Sarapis standing.
Philadelpheia in Cetis, in the Calycadnus valley. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Trajan to Maximinus. Inscr., ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦΕWΝ ΚΗΤΙΔΟΕ (ΚΙΗΤΙΔΟC or ΤΗC ΚΙΗΤΙΔΟC or ΚΙΗΤWΝ). Types—Bust of Athena; Two bunches of grapes on stalk; Zeus; Apollo; Demeter; Tyche; Eagle in temple.
Seleuceia ad Calycadnum (Selefke), founded by Seleucus Nicator, who transferred thither the people of Holmi. The coinage begins in the second century B.C. Autonomous Æ of two classes—(i) Without city-name: types—Bust of Aphrodite (?), rev. Five-leaved flower or branch, magistrates’ initials (Imhoof, Kl. M, ii, pp. 481, 482). (ii) With inscr. ΣΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΝ or ΣΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΩΙ ΚΑΛΥΚΑΔΝΩΙ : types—Bust of Athena of Holmi; Nike; Head of Apollo Sarpedonios; Forepart of horse; Bust of Artemis; Athena standing; Head of City; Club; Bust of Helios; magistrates’ names usually abbreviated, but among those in full are ΞΕΝΑΡΧΟΥ and ΑΘΗΝΑΙΟΥ, probably the Peripatetics (Strab., xiv. 670). AR tetradrachms of Antiochus VIII and Seleucus VI of Syria (B.C. 121-95) may also have been struck here (type, Athena standing). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Hadrian to Gallienus. Inscr., CЄΛЄΥΚЄΩΝ, usually with ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟC ΤΩ ΚΑΛΥ- ΚΑΔΝΩ variously abbreviated (e.g. ΠΡ. ΚΑΔΝΩ); under Hadrian also ΤΗC ΙЄΡ. ΚΑΙ ΑC. ΑΥΤ.; later ЄΛЄΥΘЄΡΑC. Silver of Hadrian to Caracalla with C. Є. on later issues; Π Π in titles of Hadrian and Pius
Selinus (Selinti), on the coast of Selentis. It was a mint of Antiochus IV of Commagene, his queen Iotape, and their sons Epiphanes and Callinicus (A.D. 38-74). Inscr., CЄΛΙΝΟΥCΙΩΝ or CЄΛΙ; rev. types— Apollo with sceptre, phiale, and raven; Artemis huntress in long chiton. Imperial, Trajan to Philip. Inscr., CЄΛΙΝΟΥCΙWΝ, or ΝЄΡουιανων ΤΡΛΙανοπολιτων CЄΛΙ., or ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟ. CЄΛΙΝΟΥ., with or without ΤΗC ΙЄΡας. Types—Apollo as before; Artemis huntress; Two veiled god- desses; Trajan seated in temple inscribed ΘЄΟΥ ΤΡΑΙανου. Trajan died at Selinus.
Soli-Pompeiopolis, on the coast near Mezetlu, near the border between Cilicia Tracheia and Pedias, was probably of Rhodian origin, but also in some way connected with Athens. The coinage begins about B.C. 450 on the Persic standard.
Archer, wearing bonnet with wing- shaped cockade, kneeling, looking along arrow or bow-string. | ΣΟ or ΣΟΛΕΩΝ Grapes; magistrates’
initials; incuse square.
AR Staters and Tetrobols
Head of Athena in Athenian helmet, usually crested and adorned with griffin. | ΣΟΛΙ, ΣΟΛΙΟ, ΣΟΛΙΟΝ or ΣΟΛΙ-
ΚΟΝ Grapes; usually incuse square.
AR Distater (?), Staters, Obols, &c.
Head of bearded Dionysos. [Leake, Supp., p. 95.] |
Σ...ΟΝ Grapes. AR 60.5 grs.
Head of archer in bonnet with cockade. | ΣΟ Grapes; usually in incuse square.
AR Obols, &c.
ΣΟ and Teribazu in Aramaic. Baal standing with sceptre and eagle. | Ahura-mazda wearing polos, body ter-
minated by mihr, holding wreath and
lotos-flower; incuse circle. AR Staters
Head of bearded Herakles, lion-skin round neck. | ΣΟΛΕΩΝ or ΣΟΛΙΚΟΝ Conventional
head of Satrap in tiara. AR Staters
Head of Athena in crested Corinthian helmet. | ΣΟΛΕΩΝ Grapes; magistrates’ names
(and, on staters, owl and cult-sym-
bols). AR Staters, Obols, &c.
Head of Athena in wreathed Athenian helmet. | ΣΟΛΕΩΝ Grapes; magistrates’ names.
Æ .45
In the time of Alexander or of his immediate successors, silver coins were struck for Soli with the facing head of Athena and seated Baal,
During the Seleucid period, until Tigranes destroyed Soli (soon after B.C. 83) there was a large coinage of AE; inscr., ΣΟΛΕΩΝ. Types— Aphrodite riding on bull; Bull-horned Dionysos; Rose; Cornucopiae; Head of Artemis; of Athena; Athena seated; Athena hurling thunder- bolt; Aegis with gorgoneion; Owl (inscr. ΑΘΕ); Head of Helios; of City; Caps of Dioskuri; Eagle. Monograms of magistrates.
Cn. Pompeius restored Soli in B.C. 66, from autumn of which year the era was reckoned. The coins (Æ) were at first inscr. ΠΟΜΓΙΗΙΑΝΩΝ (Head of Pompeius; Nike, see J. H. S., xviii. 166); this was soon changed to ΠΟΜΠΗΙΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ. Types—Head of Pompeius; Two bunches of grapes; Star; Athena standing, holding Nike. Magistrates’ names. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Nero to Volusian (magistrates' names to Domitian). Types as before; also Bust of Athena; Athena (sometimes with crescent at shoulders) holding Nike; Zeus seated; Apollo; Dionysos; Helios (figure or head of); Artemis huntress with stag's horns on head; Asklepios, Hygieia, and Telesphoros; Nike; Tyche with river-god at feet; Crescent moon; Fountain-nymph (ΠΗΓΗ CΟΥΝΙΑC) reclining; CЄΒΑCΤΩΝ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, of Marcus and Verus; Busts of Chrysippos and Aratos; Statue of Chrysippos (?). Large coin- age in A. D. 163/4 for some special occasion. Mark of value ΑϚ (=6 as- saria) on latest coins. Π(ατηρ) Π(ατριδος) in Imperial titles from Pius onwards.
Syedra (Sedra), between Coracesium and Iotape. Imperial, Tiberius to Gallienus. Inscr., CΥЄΔЄWΝ; title, CЄΜΝΗC ЄΝΔΟΞΟΤΕΡΑC. Types—Demeter with two torches; Apollo Sidetes with phiale and sceptre; Aphrodite with Ares and Hermes; Aphrodite; Athena voting; Rape of Persephone; Hades with Demeter; Dionysos; Wrestlers (ΘЄΜΙC); Gymnasiarch’s oil-basin (ΓΥΜΝΑCΙΑΡΧΙ A, cf. Anazarbus and Colybrassus). Marks of value ΙΑ and Η on later coins.
Tarsus, on the Cydnus, the most important city in Cilicia, was in the time of Xenophon the capital of its kings, by whom the coins earlier than the time of Tiribazus must have been struck. The standard is Persic, the inscr. Aramaic and Greek.
King of Persia stabbing lion. [Macdonald, Hunter Cat., ii, Pl. LX. 5.] |
ΤΕΡΣΙ and תרז (Tarz). King walking,
holding sceptre and ankh. Incuse
circle. AR Staters
King on horseback; beneath, ankh. [Ibid., Pl. LX. 6.] |
Tarz Two soldiers standing confronted.
Incuse square. AR Stater
King on horseback, holding flower; in front, Tarz or חלך (ḥilik) = Κιλικιον. | Kneeling archer shooting, behind, ankh;
incuse square [Macdonald, Hunter
Cat., ii, Pl. LX. 7]. AR Staters
Forepart of Pegasos. | Id. [Imhoof, Monn. gr., Pl. G, 6].
AR Tetrob. and Triob.
Lion attacking bull. | Tarz Ear of corn; incuse square.
AR Staters
King on horseback; sometimes ankh. | Tarz Hoplite kneeling, defending him-
self with spear and shield; incuse
square or (later) circle.
AR Staters, Tetrobols.
During this period Tarsus was the chief mint of the satraps who ruled Cilicia or raised military forces there.
Tiribazus (B.C. 386-380) issued staters as at Issus, Mallus, and Soli, differentiated by Τ.
Teribazu and Τ Baal standing, with sceptre and eagle. | Ahura-mazda, body terminated by mihr,
holding wreath and lotos-flower.
AR Stater
Pharnabazus (B.C. 379-374).
Female head facing, with loose hair (copied from Arethusa of Kimon). | פרנבזו חלּּ (Pharnabazu ḥilik). Head
of bearded Ares in helmet; symbol
usually ankh. AR Stater
Id. [Babelon, Invent. Wadd., Pl. XI. 25.] | ΚΙΛΙΚΙΑ ḥilik. Similar. AR Stater
בעלתרז (Ba'altarz). Baal seated with sceptre. | Pharnabazu ḥilik. Head of Ares.
AR Stater
ḥilik. Head of young Herakles in lion- skin three-quarters l. | ΤΕΡΣΙΚΟΝ Similar [B. M. C., Pl.
XXIX. 6]. AR Stater
Some of these, which only bear the word ḥilik or Κιλικιον, were doubtless issued at other mints (those with ankh with double bar and Λ-shaped ansa perhaps at Issus). Of the same time are obols with facing female head and head of Ares, with ḥilik or uninscribed.
Facing female head, as above. | תדנמו (Tadn̥mu). Head of Ares as above.
AR Staters
Ba'altarz. Baal seated, with sceptre, ear of corn and grapes; thymiaterion beside him; the whole in circle of battlements. | Tadn̥mu. Archer seated, holding arrow;
beside him, bow; above, mihr [Revue
étud. anc. 1903, p. 248]. AR Staters
Similar (Fig. 322). | Tadn̥mu and usually אנא (Ana).
Datames (?) in attitude of adoration
before the god Ana; between them,
thymiaterion; above, line of roof
with antefixa. AR Staters
Anonymous (circ. B.C. 350).
Athena seated, with spear and shield;
behind, olive tree (cf. Mallus). [B. M. C., Pl. XL. 11.] |
ΤΕΡΣΙΚΟΝ Girl kneeling playing with
astragali; behind, plant. AR Stater
Also small coins (11 grs. or less), uninscribed, with types : Bearded head, rev. Athena seated; Beardless head, rev. Girl playing with astra- gali. [Imhoof, Monn. gr., p. 365, Nos. 52, 53.]
Young Herakles kneeling over club, strangling lion (as on Syracusan gold). | ΤΕΡΣΙΚΟΝ Head of Aphrodite wear-
ing stephane [B. M. C., Pl. XL. 12].
AR Stater
Mazaeus (circ. B.C. 361-333). For nearly thirty years Mazaeus governed Cilicia, and from 350 onwards also northern Syria (Eber- nahara, ‘the country beyond the Euphrates’). For his history and coinage see especially Six, Num. Chr., 1884, pp. 97 ff. From 333 to 328 he was governor of Babylon, see p. 816. His Cilician coins were mainly issued from Tarsus; even those bearing the initials Ι (ΙΣ), Μ, Σ (for Issus, Mallus, Soli) seem to have been actually struck there, as dies with different mint-marks are combined in ‘mules’. His type of the lion killing a stag is copied from the coins of Citium.
Ba'altarz. Baal enthroned, with ear of corn, grapes, and sceptre; under throne, ankh, or symbol, or Aramaic letter. | מזדי (Mazdai). Lion killing stag; letters
usually in field. Incuse square on
earlier issues (Fig. 323). AR Staters
Id. Under seat, letters. | Mazdai. Lion killing bull (emblem of
Tarsus); in field, letters or symbols.
AR Staters
Id. In field, symbol. | Mazdai. Lion walking; in field, some-
times crescent and star. AR Staters
Id. In field, letters. (Fig. 324.) | מודי זי על עברנהרא וחלך (Mazdai zi
‘al ‘Ebernahara vu Ḥilik) (‘Mazdai,
who is over Ebernahara and Cilicia’).
Two lines of turreted wall (Tarsus);
above, lion killing bull. AR Staters
Baal seated. [Babelon, Invent. Wadd., 4581.] |
Mazdai. Butting bull. Æ .6
Mazaeus also struck coins in Phoenicia (see Sidon, p. 796 infra); for his coinage after 333 see Babylon, p. 816 infra; for imitations of Athenian tetradrachms with his name see Athens (p. 377 supra). The place of Alexandrine tetradrachms at Tarsus and other Cilician mints was perhaps taken by coins of the following classes. They bear mint-marks Ι(ΙΣ), Μ, Σ, Τ or T, and the cost was probably therefore borne by Issus, Mallus, Soli, and Tarsus (see Num. Chron., 1902, p. 83).
Ba'altarz. Baal enthroned; in field, ear of corn; under throne, mint- marks. | Lion killing bull above double city-
wall; above, club. AR Staters
Similar (no inscr.); under throne, mint- marks; symbols, helmet and ivy-leaf. | Bust of Athena Magarsis in three-
crested helmet facing; in field, sym-
bols or mint-marks. AR Staters
Bust of Athena Magarsis in three-
crested helmet facing. [B. M. C., Pl. XXXII. 4.] |
Thunderbolt on oval shield incurved at
sides; in field, star. AR Obol
..תר (Tr..). Deity standing, himation over l. arm and lower limbs, holding wreath or branch, between two seated sphinxes. | Uncertain Aramaic inscr. Lion killing
stag. [Imhoof, Kl. M., ii. p. 493,
Pl. XIX. 6]. Plated Stater
Tarsus was probably also the chief mint of many small uninscribed AR coins (13.7 grs. and less) of the fourth century. Types—Baal seated; Eagle on ploughshare; Forepart of wolf; Bearded male head wearing stephane; Forepart of Pegasos; Head of Herakles facing, chin covered by lion’s scalp; Bearded head wearing turreted crown; Head of Tripto- lemos; Facing female head; &c.
Probably under Antiochus Epiphanes (B.C. 175-164) Tarsus received the name of ‘Αντιοχεια η προς τω Κυδνω, but the Æ coinage under this name was confined to a very short period. Inscr., ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΠΙΡΟΣ ΤΩΙ ΚΥΔΝΩΙ. Types—Turreted head of City; Zeus seated; Tyche seated, river-god Kydnos at her feet; Sandan-Herakles on lion; Club in wreath; Cornucopiae. The Seleucid kings from Alexander I (B.C. 150- 145) to Antiochus IX (B.C. 116-95) struck tetradrachms and drachms at
Quasi-autonomous (to time of Commodus) and Imperial, Augustus to Salonina. Titles—ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ or ΤΗΣ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ, ΜΗΤΡΟ- ΠΟΛЄΩC ΤΩΝ Γ. ЄΠΑΡΧЄΙΩΝ, Γ. ЄΠ. Π(ροκαθεζουενης), ЄΛ(ευθερας) ΠΟ(λεως ?) ΤΟΥ ЄΘΝΟΥC, Α. Μ. Κ. (πρωτης μεγιστης καλλιστης), ΝЄΩΚΟΡΟΥ (or -ΩΝ) under Antinoüs, ΔΙC ΝЄΩΚΟΡΟΥ under Com- modus, and the following titles after Emperors : ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗC (or -ΩΝ), ΚΟΜΟΔΙΑΝΗC, CЄΟΥΗΡΙΑΝΗC, ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΙΑΝΗC, ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑΝΗC, ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟΥΠΟΛ., ΜΑΚΡЄΙΝΙΑΝΗC, ΑΛЄΞΛΝΔΡ(ιανης). Inscrip- tions relating to the constitution: Γ. Β. (Sept. Sev. to Gallienus) and Γ. Γ. (Gallienus and Valerian) mean γραμματι (or γνωμη) βουλης and γερουσιας; Γ. Π. Β. = γνωμη πρυτανεως βουλης (?). ΚΟΙΝΟΣ (or -ΝΟΙ) ΚΙΛΙΚΙΑC, ΚΟΙΝΟC ΤΩΝ ΤΡΙΩΝ ЄΠΑΡΧΙΩΝ. The three eparchies ΙCΑΥΡΙΑ, ΛΥΚΑΟΝΙΑ, ΚΙΛΙΚΙΛ. The provincial diet ЄΛЄΥΘЄΡΟΝ ΚΟΙΝΟ- ΒΟΥΛΙΟΝ. ΚΙΛΙΚΑΡΧΙΑC (office of the Cilicarch). ЄΠΟΧΙΚΩΝ. ΔΗΜ(ιουργιας) ΑΛЄΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ. Festivals: ΑΔΡΙΑΝΙΑ, ΑΥ. ΑΝΤΩ- ΝΙΝΙ. (?), ΑΥΓΟΥCΤΙΑ, ΚΟΜΟΔЄΙΟΕ, CЄΟΥΗΡЄΙΑ, ЄΠΙΝЄΙΚΙΑ, ΟΛΥΜΠΙΛ, ΑΚΤΙΑ, ΟΙΚΟΥΜЄΝΙΚΟC, ЄΝ ΚΟΔΡΙΓΑΙC(-ΓЄC) ΟΡΟΙC ΚΙΛΙΚΩΝ (probably games celebrated on the scene of the victory of Severus over Pescennius), ΚΟΡΑΙΑ, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΑ, ΘЄΟΓΑΜΙΑ (?). Types—Apollo Lykeios (or ΠΑΤΡΩΟC) on omphalos holding two wolves, at his feet two bulls (alone, or held by Perseus, or with Perseus or Emperor sacrificing to him); Perseus (sometimes called ΒΟΗΘΟΥ) alone or with fisherman (see J. H. S., xviii. 172 f.); Herakles-Sandan on lion, sometimes on his pyre; Athena (ΠΑΛΛΑC ΑΘΗΝΗ) alone, or with Tyche and Nemesis, or in quadriga to front; Helmeted goddess riding on lion, crowned by Nike; Artemis with stag’s horns on head; Selene in biga of bulls; Aphrodite of Praxiteles; Judgement of Paris; Tripod- lebes of Antinous-cult (ΝЄΩΠΥΘΙΩ); Temple of Antinoüs (ΝЄΩΙΑΚΧΩ); Panther with thyrsos; Dionysos and Ariadne in biga of centaurs; Kybele; Helios; Asklepios and Hygieia; Asklepios and Herakles in temple; Herakles’ labours (Antaios, Lion, Bull, Hesperides, Stymphalian birds, Hydra); Kronos; Amphilochos standing, with boar; Sarapis; Three Graces; Triptolemos; Mithras sacrificing bull; Skylla; Tyche Panthea winged and helmeted; Tyche (ΤΥΧΗ), usually of Antiocheia type; Veiled female figure of the Eleutheron Koinoboulion sacrificing, or standing between temples; ΒΟΥΛΗ seated voting; ΔΗΜΟC seated; River- god ΚΥΔΝΟC; Tyche receiving the three eparchies (all veiled and tur- reted); Galley with CЄΙΤΟC or ΔΩΡЄΑ ΑΛЄΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ ΤΑ(ρσω), and Triptolemos in serpent-car with. ΔΩΡЄΑ CЄΙΤΟΥ ΑΠΟ ЄΓΥ(πτου) ΤΑΡCΩ. alluding to gifts of wheat from the Emperor (N. Chr., 1900, 96 f.); ΟΜΟΝΟΩ CЄΒΑCΤΩΝ of Marcus and Verus; Nike with shield inscr. ЄΙC ΑΙΩΝΑ ΤΟΥC ΚΥΡΙΟΥC; Crowns of the demiourgoi (office once held by Sev. Alexander), and of the high priests of the Koinon, the latter decorated with busts of Emperors (Oesterr. Jahresh., ii. 245 f.); Temple of Imperial cultus (op. cit., vii, pp. 36 f.); Elephant carrying crown
Titiopolis, probably in the mountains between the Ermenek Su and the coast. Imperial, Hadrian to Geta. Inscr., ΤΙΤΙΟΠΟΑЄΙΤΩΝ; on one coin ΚΙ or ΚΗ (Κιητιδος ?). Regnal date ЄΤΟΥC Γ on coin of Verus. Types—Zeus seated with sceptre and cornucopiae; Dionysos; Tyche.
Zephyrium-Hadrianopolis (Mersina). Autonomous Æ of first century B.C. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Hadrian to L. Verus. Inscr., ΖЄΦΥΡΙWΤWΝ which from Hadrian’s time ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΠΟΛЄΙΤWΝ is prefixed; on a coin of Hadrian and Sabina also ЄΥCЄΒWΝ. Types— Two staves in saltire (large Χ ?); Turreted head of City; Zeus seated; Turreted goddess seated with sceptre, or holding Nike (?), with shield beside her; Athena seated holding Nike; Bust of Athena; Altar; Poseidon standing. Π(ατηρ) Π(ατριδος) on coins of Antonine period. Era B.C. 68-7 (Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., 1908, p. 226).
Elaeusa-Sebaste (Ayash, now joined to the mainland) near Corycus. See especially Imhoof, Rev. Suisse, viii. 24 f.
Turreted and veiled bust of City. [B. M. C., Pl. XL. 14.] |
ΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ Goddess standing, hold-
ing tiller or stylis; monograms; all
in wreath. AR Tetradr. 239 grs.
To the same period belong Æ inscr. ΕΛΑΙΟΥΣΣΙΩΝ or ΕΛΑΙΟΥΣΙΩΝ. Types—Head of Zeus, rev. Nike; Bust of City turreted, rev. Hermes. Monograms or initials of magistrates. From B.C. 18/17 to A.D. 5/6 Elaeusa was the mint of Archelaus Philopatris of Cappadocia (infra, p. 752) for his AR drachms with his portrait, title ΚΤΙΣΤΗΣ, and club. In the same period were issued Æ coins in which the old name is eventually replaced by ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΝΩΝ. Types—Head of City, rev. Nike. Some- what later are coins with Nike and Club, and those on which ΜΗΤΡΟ- ΠΟΛΕΩΣ is added. Types as before, or Caduceus and Dolphin. Sebaste was a mint of Antiochus IV of Commagene and Iotape (A. D. 38-74); inscr., ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΝΩΝ. Types —Head of Antiochus, Nude beardless figure on prow; Tyche; Iotape seated (Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., 1908, p. 218). To the period from A. D. 74 to the time of Commodus Imhoof attributes silver Imperial coins usually assigned to Caesareia in Cappadocia. Types—Two clasped hands holding standard on prow, some- times with ΟΜΟΝ. CΤΡΑΤ. (Concordia militum); Eleutheria standing
The capital of the later kings of Cilicia was at Hieropolis-Castabala.
Tarcondimotus I Philantonius (made dynast in B.C. 64 by Pompeius and king by M. Antonius; died B.C. 31).
Head of King diademed. | ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΤΑΡΚΟΝΔΙΜΟΤΟΥ ΦΙ-
ΛΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ Zeus seated holding
Nike. Æ .9
Philopator (either I, son of Tarcondimotus I, deposed B.C. 30; or II, son of Tarcondimotus II and grandson of Tarcondimotus I, died A.D. 17).
Veiled and turreted head of Tyche of Hieropolis. | ΒΑCΙΛЄΩC ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΟΡΟC Athena
standing, holding Nike. Æ .9
The following are the more important coins of Cilician fabric, the mint of which cannot with probability be determined. They are all of the Persic standard.
Forepart of lion. [B. M. C., p. cxxvii.] | Incuse square divided by single diagonal.
AR Staters 165 grs.
Id. [N. Chr., 1888, p. 115. 15, Pl. V. 9.] |
Uncertain inscr. Man spearing lion;
Incuse square. AR Stater 163.6 grs.
Attributed to Issus by Six (N. Chr., loc. cit.).
F Ram walking. [N. Chr., 1895, p. 197. 1, Pl. VII. 16.] | Dolphin and rosette; incuse square.
AR Staters
Similar; above, ankh. [N. Chr., 1895, Pl. VII. 17.] |
Club and olive-branch in saltire; incuse
square. AR Stater
Attributed to Magarsus by Six (N. Chr., loc. cit.).
Aramaic inscr.; goat kneeling. [B. M. C., p. 54. 17, Pl. IX. 11.] |
Owl facing, wings open; incuse square.
AR Stater 163.6 grs.
Similar. [Macdonald, Hunter Cat., p. 531. 4, Pl. LIX. 3; Z. f. N., xxiv, p. 130.] | Similar; incuse circle.
AR Stater and Tetrobol
Winged goat kneeling, bird on crupper. [B. M. C., p. 54. 18, Pl. IX. 12.] |
Similar; on either side, ankh; incuse
Square. AR Stater 165.6 grs.
Aramaic inscr.; similar, but only one wing shown, and no bird. [Macdonald, p. 531. 5, Pl. LIX. 4.] | Similar, but no symbols.
AR Stater 168.1 grs.
These coins have been attributed to Aegeae (Six, N. Chr., 1895, pp. 203 f.) and Celenderis (B. M. C., p. xlix).