[Brit. Mus. Catalogue of Greek Coins, Lycia, Pamphylia, and Pisidia, by G. F. Hill (1897).
Babelon, Invent. de la Coll. Waddington (1898), pp. 194-222.
Imhoof, Kleinasiatische Münzen, ii. (1902), pp. 354-415.]
The district of Pisidia included all the mountainous country between Phrygia and the north of Pamphylia and north-east of Lycia. Pisidia was not civilized in early times, as it possessed no means of communica- tion with the sea, and the only town in the district which struck money before the time of Alexander the Great was Selge.
In B.C. 39 Pisidia was bestowed by M. Antonius upon Amyntas, king of Galatia, who held it until his death in B.C. 25. In B.C. 6 Augustus founded a line of colonies, Antiocheia, Olbasa, Cremna, and Comama.
Adada (Karabaulo), on the Cestrus. Autonomous Æ of first century B.C., ΑΔΑΔЄ or ΑΔΑ. Types—Head of Zeus, rev. Nike crowning trophy; Bucranium, rev. Triskeles. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial from Domitian to Gallienus, ΑΔΑΔЄΩΝ. Types—Head of Herakles in lion-skin; Bearded helmeted head; Zeus seated; Bust of Athena; Dionysos seated on ground; Cista encircled by serpent (ΒΑΧΧЄΙΑ); Bust of Sarapis; Sarapis seated; Dioskuri standing; Hexastyle temple.
Amblada (Asar-Dagh in N. Pisidia). Late autonomous Æ, ΑΜΛΑΔЄΩΝ, Head of Herakles, rev. Club. Imperial, Domna to Philip Jun., ΑΜΒΛΑΔЄΩΝ ΛΑΚЄΔΑΙΜΟΝΙΩΝ. Types—Helmeted warrior (bust or figure with spear and shield); Herakles; Athena; Dionysos with panther and small Pan; Nemesis; Tyche; Trophy. Inscr. on a coin of Geta, ΦΙΛ · ΑΡΤЄΜΙΔ · or ΦΙΛΟ · ΑΡΤ. See B. M. C., Lyc., p. civ.
Antiocheia (Yalovadj), on the Anthius, with an important sanctuary of Mên Askenos. It received a Roman colony in the time of Augustus.
Autonomous Æ of late first century B.C. Inscr., ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕ and magistrates’ names. Types—Bust of Mên with crescent, rev. Nike with palm-branch, or Humped bull; Eagle on thunderbolt, rev. Star, &c. (Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., 1908, p. 140).
Quasi-autonomous and Colonial, Augustus to Claudius II. Inscr., COL. CAES., COL. CAES. ANTIOCH., COLON. ANTIOCH., ANTIOCHIA COLONIA CAESARIA. Types—Mên (MENSIS; bust with crescent, or figure holding trophy-bearing Nike with l. foot on bucranium and cock at feet, sometimes in temple); Cock; Bust of Hermes; Female Genius (Fortuna) with branch and cornucopiae (GENIO, GENIVS or FORTVNA), sometimes with Ploutos in cornucopiae, or in temple; Fortuna seated with river-god at feet, or holding stern of vessel; Pax (?) with cornu- copiae and caduceus; Temple of Fortuna; Kybele enthroned; Helios in quadriga; River-god ANTHIOS; Victory (VICTORIAE DDD NNN or DD NN, VICTORIA DOMINI); Emperor on horseback (VIRT AVG); Concordia of Emperors (CONCORD. AVGVSTOR.); Statues of Emperor and Antiocheia on bases; Two cornuacopiae containing busts; Wolf and twins; Eagle; Founder ploughing; Standards; &c. From Sept. Severus onwards occur the letters SR, at first only on sestertii, from Gordian on all coins, indicating control of the coinage by the Roman Senate.
Apollonia-Mordiaeum (Oluburlu), near Apameia Cibotus, on the Hippophoras. The title Apolloniatai Lukion Thrakon KolonoiΑπολλονιαται Λυκιον Θρακον Κολονοι, for which the coins vouch, perhaps indicates a settlement of Lycians and Thracians in Apollonia in Imperial times. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial from Titus to Gallienus. Inscr., ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΑΤΩΝ with or without ΛVΚΙΩΝ or ΛV. ΘΡΑ. ΚΟ. Types—Head of Alexander the Great in lion-skin (ΑΛЄΞΑΝΔΡΟC ΚΤΙCΤ.); Apollo leaning on tripod, raven at his feet; Asklepios alone or with Hygieia and Telesphoros; Athena standing; Zeus seated between Mên and Apollo; Sarapis seated between Isis and Harpokrates; Demeter seated holding torches; Triple Hekate; Dionysos; River-god ΙΠΠΟΟΡΑC; Bust of ΒΟVΛΗ; Turreted head of ΑΠΟΛ- ΛΩΝΙΑ; Emperor in temple; &c.
Alliance coins (ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ) with Perga (City-goddesses holding cultus-statues) and the Lycians (two City-goddesses joining hands).
Ariassus (south-west of Padem-Agatch). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial from Claudius (?) to Valerian. Inscr., ΑΡΙΑCCЄΩΝ or ΑΡЄΑC- CЄΩΝ. Types—Humped bull; Head of Zeus; Helmeted warrior (Solymos ?); Dioskuri holding horses, with Helen (or crescent and star) between them; Temple of Artemis Pergaea; Prize crown and purses on table (ΘЄΜΙC ?); Two wrestlers; and other types referring to Asklepios, Dionysos, Sarapis, Hermes, &c. Mark of value Ι on coin of Valerian.
Ceraïtae, probably the people of Cretopolis, afterwards called Pane- moteichos, q.v. Autonomous Æ of first century B.C. Inscr., ΚΕ or ΚЄΡΑЄΙΤΩΝ. Types—Head of Artemis; Turreted female head; Round shield; Bow or Bow and arrow; Club; Boar or Forepart of boar. Silver alliance coin with Cremna, q. v.
Codrula (probably near Ariassus, Verbe, and Termessus). Imperial, from Antoninus Pius to Trebonianus Gallus. Inscr., ΚΟΔΡΟV ΛЄΩΝ. Types—Helen between Dioskuri holding horses; Dionysos; Asklepios; Temple with female bust (ΔΙΟCΚΟΙΑΝΟVC?, Imhoof, Kl. M. 377); Male and female figures seated confronted, statuette behind each; Nike; Tyche; &c.
Colbasa, between Lysinia and Cremna. Imperial, from Antoninus Pius to Philip Sen. Inscr., ΚΟΛΒΑCЄΩΝ or ΚΟΛΒΑCCЄΩΝ. Types— Warrior with spear and sword; Star in crescent; Kybele seated; Mên standing; Apollo with lyre on tripod; Dionysos; Tyche; &c.
Comama (Sheher Eyuk). Autonomous Æ of first century B.C. Inscr., ΚΟ or ΚΟΜΑ. Types—Head of Zeus, rev. Lion, Forepart of lion or Forepart of boar; Two bearded heads jugate, rev. Lion. Under Augustus, Comama received a colony (Colonia Iulia Augusta Prima Fida Comamenorum). Colonial, Antoninus Pius to Decius. Inscr., COL. COMAMEN., COL. AVG. COMAMA, COL. IVL. AVG. I. F. COMA- MENORVM. Types— Veiled goddess, sometimes in temple; Two seated figures of veiled goddesses in temple; Zeus seated; Fortuna standing; Founder ploughing; Legionary eagle between two signa.
Conana (Gönen). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Hadrian to Salo- nina. Inscr., ΚΟΝΑΝЄ, ΚΟΝΑΝЄΩΝ. Types—Cuirass; Trophy; Bull; Zeus standing; Dionysos standing; Mên standing; Herakles fighting; Asklepios; Hygieia as city-goddess; Tyche in temple; Dios- kuri with crescent between them; &c. Mark of value (Salonina) Ϛ. For Θ = ThemisΘεμις (?) cf. Termessus Major. Alliance coin with Minassus (?), q. v.
Cremna (Girme). Autonomous AR Attic drachms of first century B.C. in alliance with Ceraïtae. Obv. Turreted head of Tyche, rev. ΚΡΗΜΝΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΚΕΡΑΕΙΤΩΝ, Double cornucopiae. Also Æ with inscr., ΚΡΗ or ΚΡΗΜΝΕ. Types—Obv. Turreted head of Tyche; Heads of Zeus, Hermes, or Artemis; rev. Forepart of lion; Caduceus; Fulmen. Some of these were issued by Amyntas (B.C. 39-25).
Made a colony (Colonia Iulia Augusta Felix Cremna or Cremnensium) by Augustus, Cremna issued coins from Hadrian to Aurelian. Inscr., COL. CREMNA, COL. IVL. AVG. FELICIS CREMNENSIVM. &c. Types—Diana (DIANAE); Apollo shooting (PROP. or APOLLINI PRO-
Etenna (near Kotenna, above Side, perhaps at Syrt). The coinage begins with silver of the Aspendus-Selge class.
Two wrestlers; in field, ![]() [Imhoof, Kl. M., Pl. XIII. 1.] |
ΕΤΕΝΝΕΩΝ Hero holding crooked
knife; in field, triskeles.
AR Stater 170 grs. |
Gorgoneion. | Crooked knife.
AR 10.8 grs. |
Id. [Imhoof, l. c., Pl. XIII. 2.] | Head of Athena; astragalos and ![]() AR 9.4 grs.
Bronze, inscr. ΕΤ or ΕΤΕΝ. Types—Female figure, sometimes nude, attacked by serpent; Two male figures running, brandishing crooked knives; Crooked knife. These types may represent a local myth of a nymph attacked by a serpent and rescued by a hero (Imhoof, Kl. M., pp. 369 ff.). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, Faustina II to Salonina. Inscr., ЄΤЄΝΝЄΩΝ. Types—Zeus seated; Demeter with two torches and serpent issuing from basket; Helios with torch; Hero and Nymph with serpent; Lion; Triumphal arch; &c. Mark of value (Salonina) ΙΑ.
Isinda (near Istanoz), on the Taurus, west of Termessus. Autono- mous Æ of first century B.C. Inscr., ΙΣΙΝ or ΙΣΙΝΔΕ. Types—Head of Artemis; Quiver; Helmet; Ear of corn; Head of Zeus (Solymeus ?); Mounted deity, helmeted, with spear, accompanied by serpent; &c. Dates Α to ΙΘ. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial from Antoninus Pius to Salonina. Inscr., ΙCΙΝΔЄΩΝ and (Philip Jun.) ΙCΙΝΔЄΩΝ ЄΙΩΝΩΝ. Types—Mounted deity with serpent as before; Mother-goddess enthroned holding child, serpent Sabazios before her; Head of Zeus; Busts of Sarapis and Isis; Artemis of Perga; Herakles standing; Wingless Nike writing ΑΡЄ (unexplained) on shield; Nemesis; Hermes seated, or with Tyche standing; Eubosia standing with phiale, cornucopiae and Ploutos; Wreath with pendent flowers; Human foot; River-god Tauros. Mark of value Γ (Salonina). Regnal years, B, ЄΤ, Δ, Ϛ, &c. Magistrate (?), ΑΡΧ·M (Treb. Gallus and Volusian).
Lagbe (Ali Fachreddin, north of the Caralitis). Quasi-autonomous Æ of first century A. D. Obv. ΛΑΓΒΗΝΩΝ Head of Zeus, rev. Winged fulmen (Babelon, Inv. Wadd., Pl. VIII. 22).
Malus. Quasi-autonomous of early Imperial times. Obv. Beardless laureate head, rev. ΜΑΛΗΝΩΝ Club (Imhoof, Kl. M., ii. p. 385. Pl. XIII. 29).
Minassus (Minasun, south-east of Baris). Alliance with Conana (M. Aurelius): ΜΙΝΑCCЄΩΝ ΚΟΝΑΝЄΩΝ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ Zeus and Asklepios. (Authenticity doubtful.)
Olbasa (Belengly), in the Lysis valley, one of Augustus’s colonies (Col. Iulia Augusta Olbasenorum). Colonial from Antoninus Pius to Volu- sian. Inscr., COL. OLBASENORVM, COL. AVG. OLB., COL. IVL. AVGV. OLBASENE, &c. Types—Cultus statue of Venus crowned by Cupids in temple; Venus of Cnidian type; Mên on horseback; Genius sacrificing; Herakles; Dionysos; Athena; Asklepios and Hygieia; Artemis in temple; Fortuna; Legionary eagle between two signa; &c.
Palaeopolis (Ak Euren ?, in the Lysis valley). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial from Pius to Sev. Alexander. Inscr., ΠΑΛΑΙΟΠΟΛЄΙΤΩΝ, ΠΑΛЄΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ. Types—Bust of Athena; Demeter; Dionysos; Zeus seated; Mên; Apollo; Three athletes drawing lots (ΘЄΜΙC).
Panemoteichos (probably = Cretopolis: see under Ceraïtae), on the Pamphylian border north of Ariassus. Imperial, Domna to Trajan Decius. Inscr., ΠΑΝЄΜΟΤ(Є)ΙΧΙΤΩΝ. Types—Mounted deity (Sozon ?); Apollo; Kybele; Warrior; Tyche crowned by Nike; &c.
Pappa Tiberia (probably at Tcharyk-Serai, south-east of Antiocheia). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial of Antoninus Pius. Inscr., ΤΙΒЄ- ΡΙЄWΝ ΠΑΠΠΗΝWΝ. Types—Turreted head of Tyche; Pan standing, aposkopeuonαποσκοπευων; Mên standing holding pine-cone.
Pednelissus (perhaps at Tchandir between Selge and Cremna). Imperial from Trajan to Gallienus. Inscr., ΠЄΔΝΗΛΙCCЄΩΝ or ΠЄΤΝΗΛΙCCЄΩΝ. Types—Zeus seated; Apollo; Deity standing, wearing kalathos, holding branch and phiale; Dioskuri, sometimes with crescent between them; Baetyl (Artemis Pergaea ?) in temple; Nemesis; Tyche; &c. Mark of value (Gallienus) Θ.
Pogla (Fughla near Andeda). Imperial from Antoninus Pius to Gallienus. Inscr., ΠΩΓΛЄΩΝ. Types—Artemis Pergaea in temple; Artemis huntress; Zeus seated; Apollo; Dionysos; Tyche.
Prostanna (Egherdir, under Mt. Viarus). Autonomous Æ of first century B.C.: obv. Helmeted head, rev. ΠΡΟ Triskeles; obv. Radiate head of Helios, rev. Hermes standing. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, from Ant. Pius to Claudius II. Inscr., ΠΡΟC, ΠΡΟCΤΑΝΝЄΩΝ. Types—Head of Helios; Cultus figure of goddess veiled; Mt. Viaros (ΟVΙΑΡΟC or ΒΙΑΡΟC); Tree; Turreted bust of city (ΠΟΛΙC); Poseidon with dolphin and trident; Aphrodite with apple and sceptre; Demeter standing behind Zeus seated; Apollo; Ares or hero; Nemesis; Asklepios,
Sagalassus (Aghlasan), at the sources of the Cestrus, appears from its coins to have claimed a Lacedaemonian origin. It began to coin Attic silver about the time of Amyntas (B.C. 39-25), in whose kingdom it was included.
Head of Zeus. | ΣΑΓΑΛΑΣΣΕΩΝ Nike.
AR Attic didrachm |
Id. | ΣΑΓΑΛΑΣΣΕΩΝ or CΑΓΑ Cornucopiae.
AR Attic drachm
Also small Æ with inscr. ΣΑΓΑΛΑΣΣ (or abbreviation). Types— Heads of Zeus, of Athena, of Apollo, of Hermes, of Mên, of Helios, of Herakles; Nike; Eagle; &c.
Quasi-autonomous and Imperial from Augustus to Claudius II. Inscr., CΑΓΑΛΑCCЄΩΝ; CΑΓΑΛΑCCЄΩΝ Α (or ΠΡΩΤΗ) ΠΙCΙΔΩΝ; ΠΡΩΤΗC ΠΙCΙΔΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΦΙΛΗC CVΝΜ ΑΧΟV; ΡΩΜΑΙΩΝ CΑΓΑ- ΛΑCCΑΙΩΝ ΠΡΩΤΗC ΠΙCΙΔΩΝ ΦΙΛΗC CVΜΜΑΧΟV. Types— Warrior (ΛΑΚЄΔΑΙΜΩΝ) with spear and phiale or Nike, sometimes crowned by CΑΓΑΛΑCCΟC holding cornucopiae; Dioskuri with crescent between them; Column between altars of Dioskuri; Pan aposkopeuonαποσκοπευων; River-god ΚЄCΤΡΟC recumbent, or as bull tamed by a god (Dionysos ?); Tyche standing in temple, on roof of which Dioskuri; Tyche seated, river-god at her feet, or in temple; Mên; Pine-cone surmounted by crescent; Hermes running, carrying infant Dionysos, or caduceus and torch; Apollo Klarios seated; Alexander (ΑΛЄΞΑΝΔΡΟC) on horseback attacking male figure (Sagalassos ?) who appeals to statue of Zeus (?); Demeter in serpent-car; Zeus seated holding infant; Bust of cultus- figure between branch and altar, sometimes in temple; Busts of Helios and Selene conjoined; Herakles slaying hydra; ΒΟVΛΗ and ΔΗΜΟC joining hands; Clasped hands (ΡΩΜΑΙΩΝ CΑΓΑΛΑCCЄΩΝ); Lion; Bear; Two goats on hind legs confronted; and many ordinary types. Marks of value (from Valerian) Α, Β, Ϛ, Ι.
Alliance coin with Side.
Seleuceia ae Sidaeraη Σιδαερα (Selef, north of Baris), on the Vaendus, acquired the title Claudio-Seleuceia when Claudius reorganized the province Lycia- Pamphylia in A. D. 43. The coinage resembles that of Sagalassus. Æ of first century B.C., ΣΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΝ; Head of Zeus; Eagle on thunderbolt; Bee; Ear of corn. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial from Hadrian to Claudius n. Inscr., ΚΛΑVΔΙΟCЄΛЄVΚЄΩΝ. Types—Bust of city turreted; Ram; Zeus seated; Dionysos with satyr; Apollo shooting; Demeter in serpent car; Artemis huntress; Asklepios and Hygieia; Herakles with club, lion-skin, and caduceus, or fighting hydra; Mên riding or standing; Hephaestos forging shield; Altar entwined by serpent in temple; River-god ΟVΑЄΝΔΟC or ΟVΑΙΝΔΟC; Harpokrates; Pan aposkopeuonαποσκοπευων; &c.
Selge (Seruk), on the Eurymedon, above Aspendus, claimed a Lacedae- monian origin, and was from early times the most important city in
Two wrestlers. | Pisidian inscr. Slinger. In field, triskeles or astragalos, &c. Incuse
AR Stater 170 grs. |
Gorgoneion with tongue protruding. | ΣΤ Head of Athena; symbol, astragalos. Incuse square.
AR Obol 16.2 grs. |
Lion’s head. | Astragalos; incuse square.
AR 10 grs.
The staters, like those of Aspendus, are much countermarked (Imhoof, Kl. M., p. 400).
Two wrestlers; between them, magistrates’ initials. [Imhoof, Kl. M., p. 401, 2.] |
ΣΕΛΓΕΩΝ Herakles, nude, lion-skin
on arm, wielding club; symbol, round
AR Stater 160 grs. |
Gorgoneion, tongue not protruding. | Head of Athena; symbol, astragalos.
AR Obol 15.2 grs. |
Id. | Lion’s head; symbol, astragalos.
AR ½ Obol. 7.2 grs.
Two wrestlers; between them, usually, K. | ΣΕΛΓΕΟΝ or ΣΕΛΓΕΩΝ Slinger;
symbols, triskeles, club, shield, cornucopiae, &c.
AR Stater 160 grs.
Also small AR as in preceding period (the head of the Gorgon of later long-haired type) and Æ: obv. Round shield, rev. ΣΕ or CΕ, Lance-head. Size .55.
Head of Herakles wreathed with styrax. | ΣΕΛΓΕΩΝ Artemis in short chiton running, holding torch.
AR ½ Stater 77 grs.
AR Diobol 28 grs. |
The standard now changes from Persic to Attic.
Head of Artemis. [Imhoof, Kl. M., p. 402. 7.] |
Forepart of stag.
AR Diobol 22 grs. |
Head of Artemis. [Imhoof, Kl. MI., p. 403. 10.] |
Κ Stag lying. AR Diobol 20.5 grs. |
Head of Herakles, facing, wreathed with styrax. | ΣΕΛΓΕΩΝ Club and styrax-plant in pot.
AR Triobol 31.5 grs.
To the same period belong Æ (size .6-.45) with inscr. ΣΕΛΓΕ or abbreviation. Types—Head of Herakles in profile or facing; Stag lying; Forepart of stag; Thunderbolt and bow, usually with stags’ heads at ends; Thunderbolt between bow and arrow, or with club; Head of Athena, behind, astragalos.
The quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins range from Hadrian to Aurelian. Inscr., CЄΛΓЄΩΝ. Types—Two styrax-trees in boxes (an altar before each) Banked by thunderbolt and club, or by columns supporting eagle and Nike; Head of Herakles; Thunderbolt; Club; Bow; Round shield with rosette-device between two serpents; Lion; Apollo with branch and tripod; Athena with serpent, or voting; Askle- pios and Hygieia; Dionysos; Hephaestos forging shield; Temple of Artemis Pergaea; Temple of Tyche; Aurelius and Verus (ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ CЄΒΑCΤΩΝ). Marks of value (from Salonina) Γ, Δ, Η, ΙΒ.
Alliance coin with Lacedaemon: Athena and Herakles sacrificing.
Termessus Major, a strong city on M. Solymus (Güllik Dagh). Its autonomy was recognized about. B.C. 71 by the Lex Antonia de Ter- mesibus (C. I. L., i. 204). Autonomous Æ (dates to ΛΒ=32) from B.C. 71 to 39, in which year Amyntas received Pisidia. Inscr., ΤΕΡΜΗ or ΤΕΡ. Types—Heads of Artemis, of Selene, of Zeus, of Apollo; Bull; Free horse; Forepart of bridled horse; Nike. Quasi-autonomous to about time of Gallienus (no coins with Emperor’s heads are known). Inscr., ΤЄΡΜΗCCЄΩΝ; additional titles, ΤΩΝ Μ(Є)ΙΖΟΝΩΝ, ΑVΤΟ- ΝΟΜΩΝ, ЄΛЄVΘЄΡΩΝ, and the unexplained ЄΛЄV|ΘЄΡΑΤЄ|ΡΜΗCCЄ| ΗΤΟΚΑΠ|ΟVCЄΧΟ|VCΑ (see Journ. Int., 1898, pp. 181 f.). Types—Head of Zeus; ΖЄVC CΟΛVΜЄVC seated; Head of Hermes (ЄΡΜΗC); Apollo with laurel-branch and lyre; Bust of Helios; Athena with trophy; Mounted deity, radiate; Selene riding, with torch; Dionysos; Asklepios, Hygieia and Telesphoros; Nemesis; Genius with branch and cornu- copiae; Herakles; Helen between Dioskuri; The hero CΟΛVΜΟC, helmeted (bust, or seated or standing figure); Prize crown; Emperor crowning trophy; &c. Festivals—ΠVΘΙΑ; Θ = ThemisΘεμις (?). Magistrate's name, ЄΠΙ ΑΡΧΙΠΡ(oboulonοβουλον) ΤΙ. ΚΛ. ΤΙΜΟΛΩΒΟΥ (Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., 1908, p. 197).
Timbriada (at Imrohor ?), near the source of the Eurymedon. Quasi- autonomous and Imperial from Hadrian to Sev. Alexander. Inscr., ΤΙΜΒΡΙΑΔЄΩΝ. Types—Kybele enthroned or riding on lion; Bust or figure of Mên; Caps of Dioskuri; River-god ЄVΡVΜЄΔΩΝ; &c. Fre- quently countermarked with Τ or ΤΙ.
Tityassus (site unknown). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial from Hadrian to Etruscilla. Inscr., ΤΙΤVΑCCЄΩΝ, ΤΙΤV ΑCΙC (?). Types— Temple of the Mother-goddess (ΜΗΤΡΟC), serpent Sabazios in pediment or field; Kybele seated between two lions, her foot on a third; Zeus seated; Hermes; Forepart of boar.
Verbe (near Andeda). Imperial from Faustina Jun. to Philip Jun. Inscr., ΟVЄΡΒΙΑΝΩΝ. Types—Athena; Artemis huntress; Dionysos; Dioskuri with horses, crescent between them; Tyche.