[Wroth, B. M. C., Troas, &c.]
Abydus, on the Hellespont, a colony of Miletus, has been thought to have been one of the places of mintage, in the sixth century B.C., of some of the early electrum staters of the Milesian standard, but as we have no inscriptions to guide us, the attribution of the following specimens is rather doubtful; see infra, Ionia.
Eagle, with closed wings, looking back; in field, dolphin. | Rough incuse square.
[Num. Chron., 1875, Pl. VII. 7.]
EL. 217 grs.
Similar, but eagle standing on a hare, and no dolphin. | Quadripartite incuse square.
[B. M. C., Ionia, Pl. I. 23.]
EL. 217.5 grs.
ΑΒΥΔΗΝΟΝ or ΑΒΥ Eagle. | Gorgoneion: incuse square.
AR 82 grs.-2 grs. (Persic standard).
In B.C. 411 Abydus revolted from Athens and remained the Spartan military station on the Hellespont till circ. B.C. 387. The finest coins belong to this period. The gold was probably derived from mines in the territory of Abydus (B. M. C., Troas, p. xl. f.).
Nike kneeling, stabbing ram. [B. M. C., Troas, p. xl.] |
Eagle; in front, aplustre; inc. square.
AV Stater.
Artemis riding on stag. [Z. f. N., xvii, p. 169, No. 2; Invent. Wadd., No. 1028.] |
Eagle; inc. sq. AV Stater.
Head of Apollo. [B. M. C., Pl. I. 8.] | ΑΒΥ Eagle; inc. sq. Magistrates’ names
AR 232 grs.
Head of Apollo. [B. M. C., Troas, p. 2 f.] |
ΑΒΥ Eagle standing. Numerous ma-
gistrates’ names and symbols.
AR 164 grs.; 44 grs.
Inscr., ΑΒΥ; ΑΒΥΔΗ. Obv. Head of Apollo, rev. Eagle; Head of Artemis; Stag; Torch and quiver; Two torches; Lyre; Eagle, &c.
On the conclusion of the war with Philip V of Macedon, the Romans conferred freedom upon Abydus and other Asiatic towns (Livy xxxiii. 30). Then, or perhaps somewhat later, it began, like most of the other seaports of Western Asia Minor, to strike large spread tetradrachms of Attic weight.
Bust of Artemis. | ΑΒΥΔΗΝΩΝ Eagle; laurel-wreath.
Various magistrates’ names and sym-
bols. AR Attic Tetradr.
Imperial— Augustus to Maximinus. Inscr., ΑΒΥΔΗΝΩΝ or abbrev. Types: Several relating to Artemis; Leander swimming to the light-
Achilleion, a small fortified town near Sigeium, with the tomb of Achilles.
Helmet. [Imh., Kleinas. M., i, p. 33.] | ![]() Æ .4
Head of Athena, in helmet. [Ib., p. 34.] |
Id. in wreath. Æ .35
Alexandria Troas (Eski Stambul), founded under the name Anti- goneia, circ. B.C. 310, by Antigonus, who brought thither the inhabitants of Cebren, Colone, Hamaxitus, Neandria, and Scepsis. About B.C. 300 it was improved by Lysimachus, and re-named Alexandreia.
Head of Apollo. | ΑΛΕΞ Apollo Smintheus, holding bow
and phiale; at his feet, mouse.
Æ .55
Head of Apollo. | ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΩΝ Horse feeding.
Æ .8-.6
Cf. Æ of Hamaxitus (p. 546) and Neandria (p. 547).
For Alexandrine and Seleucid coins attributed to this mint see Müller, Alex. 923, 924; B. M. C., Troas, p. xiv; Macdonald, Hunter Cat., iii. p. 21; and J. H. S., 1903, pp. 94 ff.
Head of Apollo. | ΑΛΕΞΑΝ or ΑΛΕ Horse feeding; in
ex., fulmen. Æ .75-.4
Head of Apollo. (Fig. 286.) | ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΩΝ (in ex.); ΑΠΟΛ-
theus, standing with bow and phiale.
Magistrates’ names, and dates, ap-
parently reckoned from the Seleucid
Era and equivalent to B.C. 176-
B.C. 77 [N. C., 1898, p. 109; B. M. C.,
Troas, p. xv].
AR Attic Tetradrachms and
Æ Inscr., ΑΛΕΞΑΝ; ΑΛΕΞ. Types: Head of Apollo; Lyre; Tripod.
Colonial Coinage. Commodus to Gallienus; also quasi-autonomous, Caracalla to Gallienus. Inscr., COL AVG TROAD; COL TROA; COL ALEXAND AVG. Types: Chiefly relating to Apollo Smintheus, whose temple lay south of Alexandreia Troas. His cultus-statue represents him holding bow and phiale (on this type and its relation to the Apollo Smintheus of Scopas, represented with a mouse at his feet, see B. M. C., Troas, p. xvi and reff. there). Other types probably connected with this Apollo are:—Herdsman and feeding horse; Herdsman standing before a cavern in which is a statue of the Apollo (cf. Imh., Kleinas. M., i. p. 36); Herdsman with Apollo (B. M. C., Troas, pp. xvii, xviii; N. C., 1899, p. 98). Also Eagle holding bull’s head (B. M. C., Troas, p. xviii); Nine men seated on platform, probably the local Senate, Curia decurionum (B. M. C., Troas, p. 27); Triumphal arch (Imh., Kleinas. M., p. 507). On the quasi-auton. is a head of the Tyche of the city with inscr. COL ALEX TRO. Also the usual Colonial types:—Marsyas statue; Genius standing; Drunken Herakles, Pan and Satyrs, &c.
Antandrus, on the north of the Gulf of Adramyteum. The goddess on its coins is doubtless the Artemis Astyrene, whose temple in a grove at the neighbouring Astyra was under the administration of Antandrus (B. M. C., Troas, p. xxxvii). The goat seems to have been the παρασημον of the town (see N. C., 1899, p. 1 f.).
Head of Artemis Astyrene. | ΑΝΤΑΝ Goat standing: incuse
AR Wt. 56 grs. Brit. Mus.
(N. C., 1898, p. 109); also
48 grs. and 29 grs. (Imh.,
Kl. M., p. 36).
Head of Artemis Astyrene. | ΑΝΤΑΝ Goat standing before fir-
tree; one leg raised: inc. sq.
AR Wt. 41 grs.
Head of Artemis Astyrene. | ΑΝΤΑΝ Goat standing: inc. sq.
AR Wt. 19 grs.
Id. | ΑΝ Lion’s head. AR Wt. 7 grs.
[Imh., Kl. M., p. 507.]
Head of Apollo. | ΑΝΤΑΝ Lion’s head. Æ Size .75-.45
Imperial. Titus to Sept. Severus. Also quasi-autonomous. Inscr. ΑΝΤΑΝΔΡΕΩΝ; ΑΝΤΑΝΔΡΙΩΝ. Types: Archaic statue of Artemis ΑCΤΥΡΗΝΗ (Z. f. N., vii. p. 24); Asklepios; Hephaestos standing; Goat; Apollo with name SchizanosΣχιζανος or SchizaiosΣχιζαιος (Imh., Kl. M., p. 507).
Assus (Bekhram), a flourishing stronghold of southern Troas, incor- porated with the kingdom of Pergamum in B.C. 241. Athena Polias was the principal goddess (B. M. C., Troas, p. xxxv f.).
Griffin recumbent; fore-paw raised. | Lion’s head: incuse square.
AR 55 grs.; 24 grs.; 13 grs.
Head of Athena wearing helmet orna- mented with griffin (fine style). | ΑΣΣΙΟ[Ν] Archaic statue of Athena
holding spear and fillets: inc. square.
[Inv. Wadd., No. 655.] AR 232 grs.
Head of Athena. [Z. f. N., xxiv. p. 76.] |
ΑΣΣΟΟΝ (sic) Lion’s head: inc. square
AR 48 grs.
Head of Athena. | ΑΣΣΙΟΝ Bull’s head facing. AR 45 grs.
Id. | ΑΣΣΙ Id. AR 24 grs.; also Æ size .4
Id. | ΑΣΣΙ Griffin recumbent.
Æ size .85-.4
Female head in stephane. | ΑΣΣΙ Fulmen. Æ size .5
[N. Z., xvi. p. 264.]
Head of Athena to front. | ΑΣΣΙ Griffin standing. Æ size .8
Imperial. Augustus to Sev. Alexander. Inscr. ΑΣΣΙ; ΑCCΙΩΝ. Types: Athena; Zeus; Asklepios; Serpent on altar; Griffin; male, or female, figure holding vase (Imh., Kl. M., p. 37, No. 1).
Magistrate. Strategos; sometimes, Archon (Imh., Kl. M., p. 508).
Birytis. Coins of end of fourth century B.C., and beginning of third century.
Head of Herakles facing. | Head of beardless Kabeiros in pilos,
between two stars. AR 8 grs.
[Brit. Mus.; also similar Æ Berlin Mus. (Z. f. N., xxiv. p. 107)]. |
Head of beardless Kabeiros in pilos; above, two stars. | ΒΙΡΥ Club in wreath. Æ .75-.45
Head of bearded Kabeiros in pilos. | ΒΙΡΥ Club in wreath. Æ .45
Head of bearded Kabeiros in pilos. | ΒΙΡΥ Triskeles of crescents. Æ .4
Cebren. The principal type is a ram, which may, perhaps, refer to some cultus of the Kabeiri at this town (von Fritze, Z. f. N., xxiv. p. 115).
Head of ram. [B. M. C., Troas, p. xix and p. 42, No. 1.] | Rude incuse square. AR 217 grs.
Head of ram. | Quadripartite incuse square.
AR 30 grs. and smaller coins.
ΚΕΒRΕ Head of ram. | Quadripartite incuse square.
AR 19 grs., &c.
ΚΕΒRΕΝΕ retrograde. Forepart of ram. | Quadripartite incuse square. AR 9 grs.
After the overthrow of the Athenian domination that had prevailed in the fifth century, Cebren fell (circ. B.C. 400) under Persian influence, and was governed by the satrap, Zenis of Dardanus, and by Mania, his widow. About B.C. 310 Antigonus removed the inhabitants to his new town, Antigoneia (Alexandreia Troas).
ΚΕΒΡΗΝΙ Two rams’ heads; between them, floral device. | Quadripartite incuse square. AR ll grs.
Two rams’ heads; between them, floral device. | ΚΕ (in monogram). Æ .4
Young male head in Persian head-dress hound with laurel-wreath. | ΚΕ (in monogram). Æ .4
Head of Apollo. | Κ Head of ram. Æ .4
Head of Apollo; beneath, eagle. | ΚΕ (in monogram). Æ .8
ΚΕ Head of Apollo. | Head of ram; beneath, usually, eagle.
Æ .8-.6
The following coins closely resemble the latest bronze pieces with the name of Cebren, and it may be inferred from them that in B.C. 310, or later, Cebren was repeopled under the auspices of a Seleucid king, and restored with the name of Antiocheia (B. M. C., Troas, p. xx; Imhoof, Kleinas. M., p. 43).
Head of Apollo (sometimes with Κ). | ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ Head of ram; beneath, symbol (Kl. M., p. 41). |
Colone, incorporated with Antigoneia (Alexandreia Troas) circ. B.C. 310. It had a cultus of Apollo Killaeos (B. M. C., Troas, p. xxi).
Head of Athena. | ΚΟΛΩΝΑΩΝ between the rays of a
star. Æ .8-.4
Dardanus (Maltepé), on the Hellespont. The usual type of the autonomous coins is a cock or cock-fight (cf. Pollux ix. 84 to nomismati enecharaxanto ... Dardaneis de alektruonon machaenτω νομισματι ενεχαραξαντο ... Δαρδανεισ δε αλεκτρυονων μαχην). Concerning the early electrum coins dating from the latter half of the seventh century B.C., with this type, see Hogarth, Archaic Artemisia, 1908, p. 89. They were probably struck in Lydia.
The following electrum stater, with the cock as type, has been assigned to Dardanus: see B. M. C., Troas, p. xlii.
Cock; above, floral ornament. | Quadripartite incuse square (Fig. 287).
EL. Stater, 215 grs.
The attribution of this stater is, however, doubtful: see Ionia, infra.
Horseman. | ΔΑΡ Cock, and ΖΗ in mon. (prob. not
the name of the satrap Zenis as
De Luynes suggested; see B. M. C.,
p. xlii). AR 72.7 grs.
Horseman. [Imh., Monn. gr., p. 262, No. 170.] |
ΔΑΡ and ΖΗ in mon. Two cocks in
fighting attitude. AR 16 grs.
Horseman. | ΔΑΡ Cock. AR 39 grs.
Horseman. | ΔΑΡ (ΔΑΡΔΑΝ, &c.) Cock, some-
times in fighting attitude; various
symbols. Æ .85-.4
Cock. | ΔΑΡ within border. Æ .35
Male head (Zeus ?). | ΔΑΡ Horseman. |
Imperial. Augustus to Sept. Severus and family. Inscr. ΔΑΡΔΑΝΙΩΝ. Types: Chiefly Trojan. Rape of Ganymede; Flight of Aeneas; Naked warrior (Dardanos) standing (Imh., Kl. M., p. 38); Caracalla on horse holding Palladium (Imh., G. M., p. 626, No. 221); Bull approaching altar, and bird on column (N. C., 1900, p. 17); River-god ΡΟΔΙΟC (B. M. C., Troas, p. 51); Athena.
Gargara. Famous in antiquity for its fertile soil. Its principal coins are earlier than the establishment of the Pergamene Kingdom in B.C. 284.
Young male head (Apollo (?)). | ΓΑΡΓ Bull feeding: incuse square.
AR 49 grs.
Id. | ΓΑΡ Horse galloping: incuse square.
AR 22 grs.
Id. | ΓΑΡΓ between spokes of wheel.
AR 7 grs.
[Imh., Kl. M., p. 38, No. 1.]
Id. | ΓΑΡ Ram’s head: inc. sq. AR 9 grs.
[Z. f. N., xxi. p. 219.]
Head of Apollo, laur. | ΓΑΡΓ Bull feeding: inc. sq. AR 46 grs.
Id. | ΓΑΡ Ram’s head. AR 8 grs.
[Imh., Kl. M., p. 38, No. 3.]
Id. | ΓΑΡ Horse galloping; various sym-
bols. Æ sizes .7-.35
Head of Apollo, laur. | ΓΑΡ Horse with fore-leg raised. Æ .65
Id. | ΓΑΡΓΑΡΕΩΝ Horse. Æ .5
[Imh., Kl. M., p. 39.]
Head of Zeus. | ΓΑΡΓΑΡΕΩΝ Bull rushing. Æ .7
[Wadd., Voy. Num., p. 72.]
Turreted head (Kybele). | ΓΑΡ Lion standing, looking back. Æ .5
[Imh., Monn. gr., p. 245.]
Imperial—Augustus to Sept. Severus (cf. B. M. C., Troas, p. xxxviii). Inscr. ΓΑΡΓΑΡΕΩΝ. Types: Kybele seated (Imh., Kl. M., p. 39, No. 6); Bull rushing. Mag. (on some) Strategos (Invent. Wadd.).
Gentinus (Steph. Byz. s. v.). Æ of the fourth century B.C.
Female head (Artemis ?). | ΓΕΝ Bee; in field, palm-tree. Æ 6
Head (Artemis ?) in mural crown. | ΓΕΝΤΙ Bee. Æ .4
[Z. f. N., xxi. p. 219.]
Head of Apollo. | ΓΕΝΤ Bee; laurel-wreath. Æ .75-.6
Gergis. (On site see Klio, 1909, p. 10.) Attalus I, King of Pergamum (B.C. 241-197), removed the inhabitants of Gergis to a new town. A Sibyl was said to have been born near Gergis, at Marpessus, and her tomb was in the temple of the Apollo of Gergis. Phlegon (ap. Steph. Byz. s. v. GergisΓεργις) describes the coin-types:— Gergithia ae chraesmologos Sibulla, aetis kai etetupoto en to nomismati ton Gergithion, autae te kai ae sphigxΓεργιθια η χρησμολογος Σιβυλλα, ητις και ετετυποτο εν το νομισματι τον Γεργιθιον, αυτη τε και η σφιγξ.
Head of the Sibyl Herophile, laur., facing. | ΓΕΡ Sphinx seated. AR 6.2 grs.
Id. | „ Id. Æ .3
Head of the Sibyl, facing; wears laurel- wreath and ear-rings. | ΓΕΡ Sphinx seated; in ex., ear of corn.
Æ .65-.5
Hamaxitus. The temple of Apollo Smintheus lay within its territory. In B.C. 310 the inhabitants were removed to Antigoneia (Alexandreia Troas).
Head of Apollo. | ΑΜΑΞΙ Lyre. Æ .7
Id. | „ Apollo Smintheus with
quiver, standing holding
bow and phiale. Æ .6
Ilium (Hissarlik). This city was treated with honour by Alexander the Great, and was enlarged by Lysimachus, who built there a temple of Athena. After the peace with Antiochus in B.C. 189 the Romans confirmed the liberties of Ilium.
The types of its autonomous coins relate to Athena Ilias and her remarkable statue. The Imperial coins chiefly refer to Athena and to Hektor, and other (Asiatic) heroes of the Trojan war. (See especially H. von Fritze’s Münzen von Ilion, a section of Dörpfeld’s Troja und Ilion, Athens, 1902; cf. B. M. C., Troas, p. xxv f.)
Head of Athena. | ΙΛΙ Athena Ilias, wearing kalathos
and long chiton, standing; holds
distaff and spear, filleted. AR 36 grs.
On Seleucid coins attributable to Ilium see von Fritze, p. 480; Macdonald in J. H. S., 1903, p. 102.
Head of Athena. | ΙΛΙ, Vase. Æ size .4
Id. | „ Athena Ilias standing, or advanc-
ing (often the cultus-statue on
basis). Æ .75-.5
Head of Athena, facing. | „ Athena Ilias with spear, advancing.
Æ .7
Head of Athena. | ΑΘΗΝΑΣ ΙΛΙΑΔΟΣ Athena Ilias
standing with distaff and spear.
Magistrates’ names, and symbols.
AR Attic Tetradr. Also
Drachm [Paris].
Id. | ΙΛΙ Athena Ilias advancing.
Æ Various sizes.
Imperial—Augustus to Valerian. Also quasi-autonomous. Inscr. ΙΛΙ, ΙΛΙΕΩΝ. Types: Athena Ilias. Statue of Athena Ilias in temple (von Fritze, No. 58). Man stabbing ox, which is suspended from tree; in front, statue of Athena (a sacrificial ceremony—airesthai kai trachaelxeinαιρεσθαι και τραχηλξειν: see von Fritze, p. 514). Ox approaching statue of Athena. ΕΚΤΩΡ (Hektor) in chariot; trampling on Patroklos; advancing with torch. Aphrodite and Anchises. Flight of Aeneas. ΠΡΙΑΜΟC seated. ΔΑΡΔΑΝΟC seated, and maiden (Bateia). ΔΙΑ ΙΔΑΙΟΝ ΙΛΙΕΙC Zeus Idaios holding statue of Athena Ilias. Ganymede. Judgment of Paris. ΕΙΛΟC sacrificing to Athena Ilias. Apollo ΕΚΑΤΟΣ leaning on tripod, holding branch. River-god CΚΑΜΑΝΔΡΟC. Wolf and Twins. Busts of ΘΕΑ ΡΩΜΗ and the Senate. Some of these types may represent monuments that actually existed in Ilium: see Kubitschek, in Jahreshefte oesterr. arch. Inst., i. 184.
Lamponeia. In the neighbourhood of Assus and Gargara (B. M. C., Troas, p. xxxviii).
Head of bearded Dionysos. | ΛΑΜ Bull’s head facing. AR 59 grs.
Id. | „ Id. AR 29 grs.
Id. | „ Id. AR 9 grs.
Head of bearded Dionysos. | ΛΑΜ Id.; above, kantharos or grapes.
Æ .5
Neandria, on Mount Chigri (B. M. C., Troas, p. xxiii). Its in- habitants were transplanted to Antigoneia (Alexandreia Troas), circ. B.C. 310.
Head of Apollo. [N. C., 1902, p. 331.] | ΝΕΑΝ Altar, behind which, laurel-
tree: inc. sq. AR 28.9 grs.
Id. [N. C., 1896, p. 93.] | „ Ram standing, biting leaves
of laurel-branch: inc. sq.
AR 30 grs.
Id. | „ Ram standing: inc. sq.
AR 7.6 grs.
Id. | „ Horse feeding: inc. sq.
AR 28.8 grs.
Id. [Indent. Wadd., No. 1192.] | ΝΕΑ Triskeles. AR 24 grs.
Crested helmet (?). | ΝΕΑΝ Corn-grain: incuse circle.
AR 5.5 grs.
Head of Apollo. | „ Corn-grain and grapes. Æ .45
Id. | „ Corn-grain. Æ .45
Id. | „ Horse feeding; in ex., corn-
grain. Æ .8-.65
Ophrynium (Renkioi), a small town between Dardanus and Rhoeteium, with a grove sacred to Hektor. (B. M. C., Troas, &c., p. xxx f.)
Head of Hektor, in crested helmet, facing. | ΟΦΡΥΝΕΩΝ Naked youth on horse,
holding branch.
AR 44 and 21 grs., and Æ .6
Id. | ΟΦΡΥ Infant Dionysos holding grapes.
Æ .75-.5
Bearded head (Zeus ?). | ΟΦΡΥ Hektor advancing; also crouch-
ing behind shield. Æ .4
Pionia, founded by Pionis, one of the Herakleidae. Imperial— Hadrian to Sept. Severus and family. Also quasi-autonomous, Hadrian to Caracalla. Inscr. ΠΙΟΝΙΤΩΝ. Types: Herakles; Artemis; Athena; Asklepios; Serpent on altar (Imh., Kl. M., p. 509; cf. p. 41); Emperor crowned by Nike. Magistrate: Strategos.
Rhoeteium stood at the entrance of the Hellespont, north of Ilium. (B. M. C., Troas, &c., p. xxxi f.)
Head of Apollo. [Invent. Wadd., No. 1198.] |
ΡΟ ΙΤ ΕΙ in the spaces between
three crescents, arranged in the form
of a triskeles. AR 48 grs.
Scamandria, a small place on the Scamander, which river took its rise in Mount Ida. (B. M. C., Troas, &c., p. xxxii; Imh., Kl. M., p. 42 f.)
Head of mountain-nymph, Ide, wreathed with fir. | ΣΚΑ Fir-tree. Æ .8-.6
Head of Ide; sometimes with ΙΔΗ. | „ Pine-cone. Æ .4
Head of Apollo (?). [Imh., Kl. M., p. 43.] |
ΣΚΑ Apollo standing; in front, boar's
head; behind, fir. Æ .7
Scepsis (Kourshounli-tepeh) on the Scamander. In B.C. 310 its inhabitants were removed to Antigoneia (Alexandreia Troas), but were afterwards allowed to return home by Lysimachus. (Imhoof, Kl. M., pp. 42-46, with reference to Judeich’s ‘Scepsis’ in Kiepert-Festschrift, p. 225 f.; B. M. C., Troas, &c., p. xxiii.)
ΣΚΑΨΙΟΝ Forepart of horse. | Fir-tree in dotted square, sometimes with
inscr. ΝΕ (= neaνεα, New Scepsis?):
all in inc. sq. AR 12.2 grs.
„ Forepart of winged Pe- gasos. | ΝΕ Fir-tree in square: inc. sq.
AR 33 grs.
ΣΚΗΨΙΟΝ Id. | Ν Id. AR 58.8 grs.; also 99 grs. (cf.
Imh., Monn. gr., p. 265).
ΣΚΗΨΙ Pegasos flying. [Imh., Gr. M., p. 627.] |
Ν Fir-tree in linear and dotted square:
incuse square. AR 15 grs.
Fir-tree. | ![]() Æ .3
Forepart of winged Pegasos. | Fir-tree in linear and dotted square:
inc. sq. Æ .4
Forepart of winged Pegasus. | ΣΚΗΨΙΩΝ Fir-tree in linear square:
inc. sq. AR 49 grs.
Forepart of winged Pegasos ending in horn. | ΣΚΗ Fir-tree. AR 19 grs.
Id. | Fir-tree within square. Æ .35
Id. | ΣΚΗ or ΣΚ Fir-tree within square:
various symbols. Æ .8-.4
Head of Dionysos. | ΣΚ Thyrsos. Æ .4
Head of Dionysos, horned, bearded, and wearing kalathos. | ΣΚΗ Eagle: all in oak-wreath. Æ .7
Similar head. [Imh., Kl. M., p. 45.] | ΑΝΤΗΝΟΡΟΣ Head of horse. Æ .8
Imperial—Augustus to Maximinus. Also quasi-autonomous. Inscr. CΚΗΨΙΩΝ; CΚΗΨΙΩΝ ΔΑΡΔΑΝΙΩΝ, or abbreviation. Types: Bust of Dionysos in kalathos holding kantharos and pomegranate; Same Dionysos seated on throne between two oxen (Imh., Gr. M., p. 629); Young Dionysos; Forepart of winged Pegasos; ΖЄVC ЄΙΔΑΙΟC stand- ing; Aphrodite and Eros; Nike; Flight of Aeneas; Judgment of Paris on Mount ΙΔΗ (Z. f. N., x. p. 155; Imh., Gr. M., p. 630); ΑCΚΑΝΙΟC standing (Invent. Wadd.); CΚΑΜΑΝΔΡΟC reclining. Tree and eagle (Imh., Kl. M., p. 46). Magistrate, (rarely) Strategos.
Sigeium, at the entrance of the Hellespont, belonged in early times to Athens, and had a temple of Athena. Its coins chiefly date from the period B.C. 355-334, when the Athenian general Chares, son of Theochares, was despot of the place, and the types of the coins are unmistakably Athenian. (Six, in N. C., 1894, p. 306 f.) In the second century B.C., or earlier, Sigeium had ceased to have an independent existence (B. M. C., Troas, xxxiii f.).
Head of Athena facing. | ΣΙΓΕ Owl; behind, crescent.
AR 39.6 grs.
Id. | „ Id. Æ .75-.4
Id. | „ Owl with double body, and
crescent. Æ .85-.5
Head of Athena r. | „ Owl facing: also with rev.
crescent. Æ .4
Head of Zeus. | „ Owl. Æ .4
[Leake, Num Hell., p. 115.]
On Alexandrine tetradrachms attributed by Müller to Sigeium, see B. M. C., Troas, p. xxxiii.
Thymbra, south-east of Ilium, with a temple of Apollo Thymbraeos (B. M. C., Troas, p. xxxiv).
Head of Zeus Ammon, bearded. | ΘΥ between rays of a star. Æ .7
Head of Athena. [N. C., 1896, p. 23.] | ΘΥ Torch; all in olive-wreath. Æ .6
Zeleia, on the river Aesepus. Artemis and the temple of Apollo are mentioned in an inscription (B. M. C., Troas, p. xliv).
Head of Artemis, wearing stephanos. | ΖΕΛΕ Stag standing. Æ .75-.55
Id. | „ and ![]() Æ .4
[Cat. Allier, Pl. XIII. 20.]
See also an electrum stater of earlier date, described under Unattributed Electrum (infra).
Tenedos. The island of Tenedos appears to have been from very early times a mint of considerable importance. The series of its silver coinage begins before the Persian wars, and follows, apparently, at first the Phocaic standard, which tends to assimilate itself to the Euboïc.
Janiform head (male and female). | Quadripartite inc. sq. AR 28.7 grs.
[Tenedos ?; cf. B. M. C., Troas,
p. 91, note.]
Janiform head (male and female). [B. M. C., Troas; cf. Z. f. N., xx. p. 275.] |
ΤΕNΕ or ΤΕNΕΔΙΟN Double-axe
(pelekusπελεκυς): inc. sq.
AR 138 grs.; 29 grs.; 8 grs.
Janiform head (male and female). [Z. f. N., xx. p. 274, No. 1.] |
ΤΕΝΕΔΙΟΝ Double-axe; on r., am-
phora attached to the axe by a
taenia: inc. sq. AR 243 grs.
Id. [Z. f. N., xx. p. 274, No. 2; Hun- ter Cat., ii. p. 304.] | ΤΕΝΕ Double-axe upright on three
steps and resting on supports: inc.
sq. AR 118 grs.
Janiform head, beardless (male and female). [B. M. C., Pl. XVII. 4.] | ΤΕNΕ Head of Athena: inc. sq.
AR 125.2 grs.
Janiform head (female and male); fine style. | ΤΕΝΕ Double-axe: inc. sq. AR 26 grs.
Janiform head (male, laureate, and female). | ΤΕΝΕΔΙΟΝ Double-axe; in field,
grapes and various symbols: inc.
sq. AR 228 grs.; 55 grs.
Female head (Artemis ?). | ΤΕ Double-axe. Æ Size .4-.3
Janiform head (male, laur., and female in stephane). (Fig. 288.) | ΤΕΝΕΔΙΩΝ Double-axe; on l.,
grapes; on r., various symbols: whole
in laurel-wreath. AR 258 grs.; 62 grs.
Imperial—Augustus. Obv. Head of Augustus; symbol, double-axe. Rev. ΤΕΝΕ Head of Apollo (Imhoof, Monn. gr., p. 270).
The double-axe, pelekusπελεκυς, was the well-known badge of Tenedos, but its significance was much disputed in antiquity (see Macdonald, Coin Types, p. 68, and B. M. C., Troas, p. xlvi f.). Aristotle’s explanation (ap. Steph. Byz. s. v. Τενεδος) of the Tenedian coin-types as representing the axe with which a royal law-giver of Tenedos punished adulterers— and his own son—is not now likely to find acceptance. (On Professor Ridgeway’s view that the axe on the coins is the representative of a primitive barter-currency of axes conjectured by him to have existed at Tenedos, see B. M. C., Troas, p. xlvii note.) It will he noticed that on the coins, from circ. B.C. 420, the double-axe is accompanied by a bunch of grapes as a constant symbol (once an amphora is attached by a fillet to the axe), a circumstance that suggests that at any rate from the fifth century B.C. the double-axe at Tenedos was regarded as an attribute or cultus-object of Dionysos who may have been worshipped as at Pherae in Thessaly (see supra, p. 308) as Dionysos PelekosΠελεκος (see Wroth, B. M. C., Troas, p. xlvii; N. C., 1897, p. 113 f.; cf. Rhein. Mus., 1897, p. 203; cf. also p. 406). A similar in- ference may be drawn from the coins on which the axe appears upon a basis. With regard to the janiform head of the obverse, it may be remarked that such heads are not peculiar to Tenedos (cf. Lampsacus, &c.), and their explanation is difficult. Here, perhaps, Zeus and Hera are intended, at any rate on the later coins (B. M. C., Troas, p. xlviii). On the Tenedian coin-types see also Babelon, Traité, p. 370 ff.