Numismatic Chronicle
- 1897
- I: Oinoanda, Termessos Major and Minor ("Oinoanda: A New Greek Mint", G. F. Hill)
- 1: Oinoanda, 2-5: Termessos Minor, 6-7: Termessos Major or Minor, 8-10(?) Termessos Major
- II: Roman Gold Coins / Montagu Collection ("Rare and Unpublished Roman Gold Coins in my Collection", H. Montagu)
- III-VI: Acquisitions of the British Museum in 1896 ("Greek Coins acquired by the British Museum 1896", Warwick Wroth)
- III: 1 Calabria, 2 Heraclea, 3 Laus, 4 Caulonia, 5 Terina, 6 Syracuse, 7 Gela, 8-9 Syracuse, 10 Amphipolis, 11 Chalcidice
- IV: 1=Alexander The Great, 2 Odessus (Thrace), 3 Thasos, 4 Panticapaeum, 5 Magnetes, 8 Alexander of Pherae, 6 Nicopolis, 7 Epirus, 9 Athens, 10-11 Elis
- V: 1-2 Lacedaemon, 3 Itanus, 4 Lesbos, 5 Cyzicus, 6 Lesbos, 7 Archelaus, 8 Alexander II Zebina, 9 Cotys II, 10 Judaea, 11 Tenedos, 12 Parthia, 13 Alexanderia
- VI: Italian Aes Signatum
- VII: North-Humbrian Coinage AD 758-808 ("On the North-Humbrian Coinage of AD 758-808", Lord Grantley)
- VIII: Coins of Rhegium ("The Type knows as 'The Demos' on Coins of Rhegium", E. J. Seltmann)
- IX: Monnaies Grecques Inédites et Incertaines ("Monnaise Grecques Inédites et Incertaines", J. P. Six [in French])
- X: Coins of Harold II and William I & II ("On Some coins of William I and II", L. A. Lawrence)
- XI-XIV: From the Greenwell Collection ("On some Rare Greek Coins", Rev. Canon Greenwell)
- XI: 1-10 Cyzicus, 11 Lampsacus, 12 Cyzicus, 13-16 Phocæa, 17 Miletus, 18-27 Euboic Standard
- XII: 1-9 Milesian Standard, 10 Tarentum, 11 Metapontum, 12 Croton, 13 Gela, 14-15 Leontini, 16 Syracuse
- XIII: 1-2 Abdera, 3 Aenus, 4 Dicaea, 5 Mende, 6 Olynthus, 7 Bisaltæ, 8 Orrescii
- XIV: 1-2 Alexander I, 3-5 Cyrene, 6-10 Uncertain
- XV: Honley Find ("Cartimandua", G. F. Hill)
- 1902
- "Timotheus Refatus of Mantua and the Medallist 'T. R.', G. F. Hill
- "Some Notes on the Coins struck at Omdurman by the Mahdi and the Khalifa", Samuel Smith
- "Classification Chronologique des Emissions Monétaires des l'Atelier d'Alexandrie pondant la Période Contstantinienne", Jules Maurice [in French]
- VII: Later Silver Coins of Edward III ("Some Remarks on the Last Silver Coinage of Edward III", Fredk. A. Walters)
- "The Silver Coinage of the reign of Henry VI", Fredk. A. Walters
- XII: Coins of the Khalifs ("Some Rare Oriental Coins", Oliver Codrington)
- "Some Coins of the Mughal emperors", M. Longworth Dames
- "Greek Coins acquired by the British Museum in 1901", Warwick Wroth
- XV: 1 Aphytis (Macedonian Chalcidice), 2 Potidaea (Macedonian Chalcidice), 3 Pausanias, King of Macedon, 4 Aenus (Thrace), 5 Apollonia Pontica, 6 Phalanna, 7 Larissa (Thessaly), 8 Scotussa, 9 Haliartus, 10 Euboea (Eretria?), 11 Elis, 12 Eretria (Euboea), 13 Aegium, 14 Athens, 15 Andros, 16 Apollonia ad Rhyndacum
- XVI: 1 Cyzicus, 2 Neandria, 3 Abydus, 4 Achean Federation, 5 Cyme, 6 Larissa Phriconis, 7-8 Mytilene, 9-10 Apollonos-Hieron, 11-12 Cilbiana Nicaei
- XVII: 1 Germe, 2 Ceraïtae, 3 Side, 4 Cremna and Ceraïtae, 5 Cremna, 6 Lysinia, 7 Iconium, 8 Parlais, 9 Syedra, 10 Naukratis, 11 Tarsus, 12 Cyrene
- "On Some Rare or Unpublished Roman Coins", Sir John Evans
- 1905
- 1907
- 1909
- I: The Countermarks of Claudius I (Robert K. Mowat)
- Roman Contorniates in the Hunterian Collection, George Macdonald
- Simon's Dies in the Royal Mint Museum, with some Notes on the Early History of Coinage by Machinery, W. J. Hocking
- The Coinage of the Reign of Edward IV, F. A. Walters
- Some Silver Bawayhid Coins, J. G. Covernton
- XVIII: Memorial Medal of Josias Nicolson (Lady Evans)
- XIX: A Find of Ancient Coins at Taranto (M. P. Vlasto Collection)
- XX: Coins of Anticonus I and Demetrius Poliorcetes (Charles T. Seltman)
- Two Italian Medals of Englishmen, (?)
- The Coinage of Assam, J. Allan
- The Fifth Centry Coins of Corinth, Prof. C. Oman
- XXVI: Period I (B.C. 470-451?), Nos. 1-3; Period II (B.C. 451-448), Nos. 4-6; Period III (B.C. 445-440), Nos. 7-10
- XXVII: Period IV (B.C. 440-433), Nos. 11-13; Period V (B.C. 433-431), Nos. 14-16; Period VI (B.C. 431-414), Nos. 17-19
- XXVIII: Period VII (B.C. 414-412), Nos. 20-23; Period VIII (B.C. 411-404), Nos. 24-29
- XXIX: Period IX (B.C. 404-394), Nos. 30-36; Anomalous Coins (B.C. 421-419?), Nos. 38, 39
- XXX: The 'Medallion of Agrigentum' (E. J. Seltman)
- 1913
- Coins of Hierapolis in Phrygia (Leo Weber)
- The First Corbridge Find (H. A. Grueber)
- Two Hoards of Edward Pennies recently found in Scotland (George Macdonald)
- "Medallions True and False of Mary Queen of Scots and Charles I" (Helen Farquhar)
- Greek Coins acquired by the British Museum 1911-1912 (G. F. Hill)
- XII: 1-13 1 Populonia Etruriae, 2 Capua, 3 Thurium, 4 Caulonia, 5 Segesta, 6 Selinus, 7 Syracuse, 8 Acanthus, 9 Damastium, 10 Corinth, 11 (probably Sicilian), 12-13 Corinth
- XIII: 1-16 1-7 Nicaea, 8 Cyzicus, 9 Uncertain Ionia, 10 Cnidus, 11 Flaviopolis, 12 Antiochus I, 13 Antiochus IV, 14 Seleucus IV, 15 Artavasdes III (?), 16 Hispano-Carthaginian
- XIV: The Danubian Wars of Marcus Antoninus ("Chronology of the Danubian Wars of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus", Rev. C. H. Dodd)
- XV: Some Cretan Coins (Captain J. S. Cameron)
- "Epigraphical Data for the Arrangement of the Coin-Types of William II, Henry I, and Stephen" (G. C. Brooke)
- XX: Italian Medals ("Notes on Some Italian Medals", T. Whitcombe Greene)
- XXI: Medals by Claude Warin ("A New Medal by Claude Warin", G. F. Hill)
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