[Radet, G., En Phrygie, 1893. Ramsay, W. M., Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, 1895 and
Imhoof-Blumer, F., Kleinasiatische Münzen, 1901; Zur griechischen u. römischen. Münz-
kunde, 1908.
Head, B. V., British Museum Catalogue, Phrygia, 1906.]
Before the expedition of Alexander, and the subsequent gradual exten- sion of Greek civilization among the rude peoples of the highlands of cen- tral Asia Minor, a native coinage in these regions was non-existent, though the Persian daric was doubtless current along the more frequented trade- routes from Syria through the Cilician gates and along the river-valleys of Phrygia and Lydia to the Greek ports on the western seaboard. It was not until Greek and Macedonian settlers had been planted here and there in the country by the Seleucids and Attalids in mutual rivalry that coinage began to come into general use, and it was not until after the defeat of Antiochus at Magnesia, B.C. 190, when the greater part of western Asia Minor was assigned to the kingdom of Pergamum, that Cisto- phoric mints were established (B.C. 189-133) at Laodiceia and Apameia. Afterwards, when the administration of the country was taken over by the Romans (B.C. 133), Synnada, as a convenient station on the road through Pisidia to Cilicia, was also promoted to the rank of a Cistophoric mint. The Alexandrine tetradrachms of this period, which Müller (Nos. 1178-95) assigned to Philomelium on the eastern highway to Iconium, belong more probably to Phaselis on the coast of Lycia (Imh., Kl. M., 308). The only other city which struck silver coins in pre-Imperial times was Cibyra, which was allowed to retain its independence under its native dynasts down to B.C. 84. Including the above-mentioned cities, there were in all about a score of towns in which autonomous bronze money was coined at intervals during the course of the second and first cen- turies B.C. These were either the chief halting places on the various highways from west to east or from north to south, or towns in the immediate neighbourhood of famous sanctuaries, such as Hierapolis, Dionysopolis, Hieropolis, &c. Most, though not all, of these towns con- tinued to strike money throughout the Imperial period down to the time of Gallienus, and as the general prosperity of the country increased under the organized rule of Rome, mints at many other less important cities frequently sprang into activity, though it would seem that their issues were usually confined to special occasions such as periodical religious festivals or games, and, in many cases, the expense of the coinage was undertaken by some magistrate or wealthy citizen of high standing, such as ‘Αρχιερευς or ‘Ασιαρχης, as an offering (αναθημα) to his native city. Such voluntary liturgies would as a rule earn for the benefactor some hono- rary title, such as Φιλοπατρις, Φιλοκαισαρ, Υιος πολεως, &c. Sometimes, however, these liturgies would seem to have been granted ‘at the request of’ (αιτησαμενου) or ‘on the acceptance of a report by’ (εισαγγειλαντος) some local magnate and, in such cases, it is possible that the city may have undertaken the expense of the issue while delegating it in commis- sion to a special officer (επιμεληθεις).[1] As a general rule, however, the
1 See v. Fritze in Nomisma, i. p. 2 sqq.
Abbaëtae-Mysi. This Mysian people occupied a district in western Phrygia of which Ancyra and Synaüs were the chief cities. Imhoof (Festschrift für O. Benndorf, p. 201) would assign the coins to the first of these towns.
Autonomous bronze of the second century B.C., all contemporary and of three sizes, obv. Heads of Zeus; young Herakles; Apollo (Chromios (?)) with hair rolled; and Asklepios; rev. ΜΥΣΩΝ ΑΒΒΑΙΤΩΝ, Winged fulmen in wreath; Club and Lion-skin in wreath; Double-axe in wreath; Staff of Asklepios (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. II. 1-3, and Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 138).
Accilaëum (J. H. S., xix. 90) on the Tembris or Tembros in Phrygia Epictetus, east of Dorylaëum and Midaëum, appears to have coined quasi- autonomous and Imperial money only during the reign of Gordian. Types—Naked Zeus; Seated goddess with phiale and sceptre; Diony- sos; Mên; Nike; Tyche; &c. Also ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC. Inscr., ΑΚΚΙΛΑЄΩΝ. No magistrates’ names.
Acmoneia, on a tributary of the river Sindrus, about six miles west of Diocleia (Ramsay, C. and B., 625).
Autonomous bronze of three sizes. Middle of first century B.C. Inscr., ΑΚΜΟΝΕΩΝ. Magistrates’ names in nominative case with patronymic. Types—Bust of Athena, rev. Flying eagle on fulmen, between stars; Head of Zeus, rev. Asklepios; Bust of City-Tyche, rev. Artemis Huntress (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. II. 5-7). (Cf. coinage of Apameia of the same period.)
Quasi-autonomous and Imperial—Augustus to Gallienus. Magis- trates’ names, at first in nominative case, and from Nero to Caracalla in genitive with επι. Titles—Archiereus (or Archon ?) down to Trajan. The names of the magistrate and of his wife in Nero’s time are some- times as follows :—επι αρχ. το γ Σερουηνιου Καπιτωνος και ‘Ιουλιας Σεουηρας. The combination of the wife’s name with that of her husband is strongly in favour of the title Archiereus, rather than Archon, as the office intended by επι αρχ. (Ramsay, C. and B., 639 ff.). From Trajan’s time the title is Grammateus, and, in the reign of S. Severus, Flavius Priscus Jun. boasts of being the son of an Asiarch. (ЄΠΙ ΦΛ. ΠΡЄΙCΚΟΥ ΝЄΟΥ ΓΡ. ΥΟΥ ΑCΙΑΡ.). Chief types—Nike; Zeus seated, with adjuncts, owl and cres- cent; Artemis; Artemis Ephesia; River-god (Sindros ?); Kybele; Askle- pios and Hygieia; Hermes; Zeus seated to front with two giants at his feet; Dionysos in biga of panthers, riding on panther, or standing; Amal- theia suckling infant Zeus, around, three Kuretes; Herakles leaning on club; Demeter standing; City-Tyche seated between two River-gods
Aezanis in Phrygia Epictetus, near the sources of the Rhyndacus. Autonomous bronze probably after B.C. 84, the Sullan era, according to which some specimens seem to be dated (Imhoof, Gr. M., 195). Inscr., ΕΠΙΚΤΗΤΕ[ΩΝ], obv. Helmeted bust, rev. Horse walking, sometimes with palm across shoulder, occasionally on caduceus, above, pileus sur- mounted by star; obv. Helmet with cheek-pieces, rev. Sword or dagger in sheath; obv. Head of Zeus, rev. Eagle on fulmen. Magistrates’ names in monogr., but in one instance at full length—ΓΑΙΟΥ. In the latter half of the first century B.C. the inscr. is ΕΖΕΑΝΙΤΩΝ; obv. Head of Herakles, rev. Hermes; obv. Head of City, rev. Dionysos.
Quasi-autonomous and Imperial—Augustus to Gallienus. Inscr., ΑΙΖΑΝΙΤΩΝ or ΑΙΖΑΝЄΙΤΩΝ with addition, on a coin of Commodus, of ΝЄΩΚΟΡΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΔΙΟC (Invent. Wadd., Pl. XV. 7). Magistrates' names in genitive with επι, usually with patronymic without or with titles, Archon, Grammateus, Strategos, Stephanephoros, Archineokoros or Archiereus and Neokoros (?), Asiarch. (For list of names see B. M. C., Phr., p. xxiv. ff.) Under M. Aurelius the Grammateus Eurykles dedi- cates a coin ΤΗ ΓЄΡΟΥCΙΑ (ανεθηκε being understood). Chief types— Zeus standing half-draped; Athena; Kybele; River-god (Rhyndakos) holding infant Ploutos; the Dioskuri; ΔΗΜΟC standing; Infant Zeus suckled by goat; Helios in quadriga; Hermes; Artemis Ephesia; Hekate triformis; Poseidon; Hephaestos forging helmet; &c. Also busts of ΘЄΟC CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC and ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC; ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ; ΙЄΡΟC ΔΗΜΟC; ΔΗΜΟC; and ΘЄΑ ΡΩΜΗ.
Alliance coin with Cadi, under Domitian—ΔΗΜΟC ΑΙΖΑΝЄΙΤΩΝ, ΔΗΜΟC ΚΑΔΟΗΝΩΝ.
Alia (near the modern Islam-Keui) on the upper Sindrus between Acmoneia and Siocharax. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial, occa- sionally, from Trajan to Gordian. Inscr., ΑΛΙΗΝΩΝ. Magistrate's name G. Asinius Phrygius in genitive with ΑΙΤΗCΑΜЄΝΟΥ under Trajan, and G. Asinius Agreus Philopappos in nominative under M. Aure- lius, with titles ΑCΙΑΡΧΗC and ΑΡΧΙЄΡΑΤЄ[ΥΩΝ] with or without ανεθηκεν. The expression αιτησαμενου seems to mean that the coins were issued ‘at the request of’ the magistrate named, who had asked formal permission to dedicate an issue of coins to the city,[1] while ανεθηκεν seems to imply that he had fulfilled his voluntary obligation, and been at the expense of the issue (see supra, p. 662). Αιτησαμενος occurs at Alia, Ancyra, Eucarpeia, Appia, Stectorium, Mylasa, and Stratoniceia- Hadrianopolis (B. M. C., Lyd., cxvii). ‘Ανεθηκεν is much more frequent.
Chief types—Mên standing or on horseback.[2] ΔΗΜΟC standing; Demeter (?); Aphrodite; Apollo; Asklepios; Artemis; Dionysos; &c. Also busts of ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC, ΔΗΜΟC, &c. (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. VI. 5-8).
1 Ramsay (C. and B., 594) suggests that a special grant was accorded from Rome at the request of an influential citizen. But why the Roman rather than the local Senate ? 2 With regard to the religious cultus at Alia see Ramsay, C. and B., 593.
Amorium, an important town in far eastern Phrygia, struck autonomous bronze coins in the second or first century B.C. Inscr., ΑΜΟΡΙΑΝΩΝ. Magistrates’ names in nominative case or in monogr. Types—obv. Head of Zeus, rev. Eagle on fulmen, with caduceus across wing; obv. Head of Kybele, rev. Lion on caduceus. (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. VII. 1, 2.)
Quasi-autonomous and Imperial—Augustus to Geta. Magistrates’ names in nominative case under Augustus; afterwards in genitive with επι, or two names with family name, e.g. Silvanus and Justus, Vipsanii, ЄΠΙ CΙΛΟΥΑΝΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΙΟΥCΤΟΥ ΟΥЄΙΨΑΝΙWΝ. The title, Archon, is added on coins of Caracalla and Geta. Imhoof (Kl. M., 202) points out that Amorium is called in an inscription (B. C. H., xix. 555 ff.) η λαμπροτατη και συμμαχος ‘Ρωμαιων, and that nearly all the magistrates’ names from Caligula onwards are Roman. Chief types—Zeus seated; Temple of Zeus; Demeter; Aphrodite; Athena; Nemesis; Bust of Sarapis, rev. Isis; Herakles before the tree of the Hesperides; River- god; Eagle on altar; Rhea seated before infant Zeus; Artemis and Apollo with altar between them; Dionysos and satyr; &c. (see B. M. C., Phr., Pls. VII and VIII). Also busts of ΘЄΑ ΡΩΜΗ, ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC and ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ.
Ancyra, the chief city of the district Abbaïtis in western Phrygia, was probably the place of mintage in the second century B.C. of the coins reading ΜΥΣΩΝ ΑΒΒΑΙΤΩΝ (see Abbaëtae-Mysi, supra, p. 663). After a long interval Ancyra begins again to strike quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins from the reign of Nero, when the town bore for a time the name of Julia. Inscr., ΙΟΥΛΙΕΩΝ ΑΝΚΥΡΑΝΩΝ (Wadd., Fastes, 135), down to that of Philip. Ordinary Inscr., ΑΝΚΥΡΑΝΩΝ.
Magistrates—Proconsul, Volasenna, A.D. 62-63, ΠΟ. ΟΥΟΛΑCЄΝΝΑ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΩ, ΑΙΤΗCΑΜЄΝΟΥ ΤΙ. ΒΑCCΙΛΑΟΥ ЄΦ(ορου). From Nero onwards the magistrate’s title is Archon or First Archon, who is also occasionally qualified as Hiereus, Stephanephoros, or Stephanephoros and Archiereus. [1] Chief types—Zeus standing, holding anchor and sceptre. The anchor on the coins of Ancyra in Galatia, which King Midas found, and which in the time of Pausanias (i. 4) was still to be seen in the temple of Zeus in that city, proves that the same legend must have been common to both cities, unless at the Phrygian town it was merely a type parlant. Zeus and Hera face to face, sometimes between cypress trees; Artemis Ephesia; Athena; Poseidon seated. Also busts, ΘЄΑ ΡΩΜΗ, ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC, ΘЄΟΝ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ, ΔΗΜΟC, &c. (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. IX).
For list of magistrates’ names, &c., see B. M. C., Phr., p. xxix ff. and Pl. IX.
Antiocheia, η προς τη Πισιδια (Strab. 577), see infra under Pisidia. (Imhoof, Kl. M., p. 356.)
Apameia, founded by Antiochus I (Soter) and named after his mother Apama, superseded the older stronghold and royal residence Celaenae
1 The coin of Antinoüs, dedicated by Julius Saturninus, ΑΝΚΥΡΑΝΟΙC (Mion. iv. 221, 160) belongs to Ancyra Galatiae (cf. C. I. G., 4013).
The autonomous bronze coins of Apameia range from B.C. 133-48, and are of four types :
These four denominations are contemporary with one another, and bear magistrates’ names in nominative or genitive case with patronymic: some of the names are identical with those on the cistophori. For illustrations see B. M. C., Phr., Pl. X. Quasi-autonomous and Impe- rial—Augustus to Saloninus. Inscr., ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ, or rarely ΑΠΑ- ΜΕΙC, ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΦΡΥΓΙΑC, and, later, ΑΠΑΜЄΩΝ. Magistrates— Marius Cordus and M. Vettius Niger, Proconsuls of Asia under Nero, and M. Plancius Varus under Vespasian, A. D. 79. Local magistrates— Names at first in nominative case, but from Nero in genitive, with επι, επιμ[εληεντος], or παρα under Commodus, and again, usually, from time of Gordian, when the magistrate is a Panegyriarch. The following titles are sometimes added : Agonothetes, Hippikos, Asiarch, Grammateus, Panegyriarch, Archiereus. For list of names see B. M. C., Phr., pp. xxxviff. Chief types—ΜΑΡCΥΑC playing double flute; ΜΑΡCΥΑC seated in grotto with packing chests around him. Inscr., ΚΙΒΩΤΟΙ ΑΠΑΜЄΩΝ; Zeus (Kelaineus) seated; ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ standing; Athena standing, or seated playing double flute, her face reflected in the waters of a fountain, and, on a lofty rock above her, the satyr Marsyas in attitude of astonishment; Aphrodite standing; Chest or ark (κιβωτος) inscribed ΝΩЄ, floating on water and containing two figures, and in front the same pair, a man and a woman, and, on the top, a raven (?), and above it a dove flying with a branch in her beak (Fig. 313). This type is probably copied from some painting in the city delineating the myth which localized the resting-place of Noah’s ark on the mountain behind Apameia (Ramsay,
Alliance coins with Ephesus, under Philip Sen. (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. LI. 2).
Appia (Abia), on the north road from Acmoneia to Cotiaëum, about thirty miles north of Acmoneia, and the same distance south of Cotiaëum. Its territory comprised the valley of the upper Tembris, north-east of Mount Dindymus. Autonomous bronze, second or first century B.C. Inscr., ΑΠΙΑΝΩΝ, obv. Head of Kybele, rev. Zeus aëtophoros seated (Imh., Kl. M., i. p. 214). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial—Nero to Philip and Otacilia. Inscr., ΑΠΠΙΑΝΩΝ. Magistrates’ names from Trajan, and titles, Strategos with ΑΙΤΗ[CΑΜЄΝΟΥ] (see p. 662); Gram-
Beudus Vetus. See Palaeobeudus.
Bria, between Eumeneia and Sebaste, at the foot of the Burgas Dagh. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial only in time of S. Severus and family. Inscr., ΒΡΙΑΝΩΝ. Magistrate, Strategos. Types: Head of Sarapis rev. Isis; Head of Athena, rev. Hermes standing; The Dioskuri beside their horses; Tyche; &c. (B. M. C., Phr., p. xli and Pl. XIII).
Bruzus (Kara-Sandukli) was the most northerly of a group of five cities (the Phrygian Pentapolis) occupying the valley of the upper Glaucus. The others were Eucarpeia, Otrus, Hieropolis, and Stectorium. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins—Hadrian (?) to Gordian. Inscr. ΒΡΟΥΖΗΝΩΝ. Dedicatory issues with ΑΝЄΘΗΚЄ in the time of Hadrian (?), Severus, and Caracalla, but no magistrates’ names on later coins. Chief types—Zeus enthroned, in one instance with two serpent- footed Giants beneath (Imh., Kl. M., i. Pl. VII. 17); Zeus seated in temple; or with Hera standing before him; City-goddess standing; Hekate with two torches on globe; Demeter in serpent-car; Asklepios and Hygieia; Poseidon; &c. Also busts of City, ΒΡΟVΖΟC, ΔΗΜΟC, and ΒΟVΛΗ (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XIV. 1-7).
Alliance coin with Ococleia struck at the latter place under Com- modus (N. C., 1892, Pl. XVI. 18).
Cadi (Gediz), near the sources of the Hermus at the foot of Mount Dindymus, in the district called Abbaïtis in Phrygia Epictetus. Quasi- autonomous—Head of young Herakles, rev. ΚΑΔΟΗΝΩΝ Lion walking (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XIV. 9) or Apollo standing leaning on stele (Imh., Kl. M., p. 247, No. 1); &c. Also Imperial—Claudius to Gallienus. Inscr., ΚΑΔΟΗΝΩΝ. Magistrates with επι, Stephanephoros (time of Claudius), Archon or First Archon from Hadrian onwards. Games— CЄΒΑCΤΑ ΟΜΟΒΩΜΙΑ (Elagabalus and Treb. Gallus) and ΑΥΓΟΥ- CΤЄΙΑ (Gallienus). Chief types—Zeus Lydios or Laodikeus; Artemis Ephesia; both deities sometimes in temples; The Capitoline Triad— Zeus, Hera, and Athena; Two Nemeses; Kybele; Demeter; Dionysos; Athena; Hermes; Asklepios and Hygieia; Apollo; Artemis; River-god ЄΡΜΟC; Roma seated; &c. Also busts of CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC, ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ, ΙЄΡΟC ΔΗΜΟC, ΔΗΜΟC, ΒΑCΙΛЄΥC ΜΙΔΑC Bust of King Midas, &c. (B. M. C., Phr., Pls. XIV, XV).
Alliance coins with Aezanis (see supra, p. 664), struck at the latter place.
Ceretapa (Kayadibi) in southern Phrygia, on the bank of a small lake about twenty miles south-east of Colossae. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins—Ant. Pius, Commodus, S. Severus, and Caracalla, &c. Inscr., ΚЄΡЄΤΑΠЄΩΝ ΔΙΟΚΑΙCΑΡЄΩΝ or ΚЄΡЄΤΑΠЄΩΝ. Magis- trate’s name with patronymic, under Commodus with παρα, under Severus, &c., with title Strategos without preposition. Chief types—
Cibyra. This city, near the sources of the Indus in southern Phrygia, bordering upon Lycia, was not incorporated into the Roman province of Asia until B.C. 84. After the defeat of Antiochus, B.C. 190, Cibyra gained or retained its independence as the chief city of a confederation of four towns, Cibyra, Balbura, Bubon, and Oenoanda, constituting the Cabalian Tetrapolis. Cibyra struck silver tetradrachms and drachms of the Cistophoric standard, and bronze coins which appear to belong to the period 166 to 84 B.C. They often bear names in the nominative case at full length, or more commonly abbreviated or in monogram. It has been thought that these names are those of dynasts of the Cibyratis, on the ground that one of them, Moagetes, is identical with the name of the last dynast, who was dispossessed by the Romans in B.C. 84; but it would seem that the names on the coins are far too numerous to be those of reigning dynasts (see B. M. C., Phr., p. xlvi).
The types are as follows:—
Helmeted male head. [Imh., Kl. M., i. Pl. VIII. 6.] |
ΚΙΒΥΡΑΤΩΝ Naked rider with lance
or lance and shield, names ΜΟΑ-
AR Dr. 53-50 grs.
Id. [Imh., Kl. M. 251, and Mon. gr. 395.] |
Similar, but horseman wears cuirass
and helmet. Numerous names, usually
abbreviated or in mon. and various
adjunct symbols.
AR Tetradr. 196 grs.
AR Dr. 47 grs. |
Helmeted head. | ΚΙΒΥΡΑΤΩΝ Humped bull in incuse
square. Æ .4
Id. | Eagle; Rider; Forepart of horse; &c.
Æ .4
Head of Helios. | Humped bull; Forepart of do.; Bust of
horse. Æ .4
Head of Zeus. | Apollo standing. Æ .4
Heads of the Dioskuri. | Nike erecting trophy. Æ .4
Female head. | ΚΙΒΥΡΑΤΩΝ Rose. Æ .4
For other varieties see Imhoof (op. cit., and Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 156).
A few of the bronze coins are dated either from the era of Asia, B.C. 134-133, or from the Sullan era, B.C. 84. The next era of Cibyra dates from A.D. 24, as is proved by a coin of Elagabalus (Imh., Kl. M., 253).
Quasi-autonomous and Imperial— Augustus to Gallienus. Inscr.
Alliance coins with Ephesus under Sev. Alex., and with Hierapolis under M. Aurelius and Faustina.
Cidyessus, in the Sitchanli Ova, some thirty miles east of Siocharax. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins-Domitian to Otacilia. Inscr., on obverse, ΚΙΔΥΗΣΣΕΙΣ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΑ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟΝ, or, on reverse, ΚΙΔΥΗCCЄΩΝ. Magistrates’ names with επι—Archiereus, First Archon, or Logistes. Types—Zeus seated; Kybele seated; Athena standing; Mên (?) standing before seated Zeus, altar between them; Dionysos standing, with panther at his feet and small figure of Pan behind him; Bust of ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC; &c. (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XIX. 1-3).
Colossae, on the Lycus, about twelve miles above Laodiceia. Auto- nomous—of the second or first century B.C. Obv., Head of Zeus, rev., ΚΟ- ΛΟΣΣΗΝΩΝ Winged fulmen (Sir H. Weber Coll.). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial—Aelius Caesar to Gallienus (?). Inscr., ΚΟΛΟCCΗΝΩΝ (rarely ΚΟΛΟCCΗΝΟΙC ΑΝЄΘΗΚЄΝ). Magistrates from Aelius Caes. to Caracalla, with or without titles—Grammateus, Archon, Strategos, Stephanephoros, &c.; and, on coins of Commodus, CΤΡΑΤΗΓ. ΤΩΝ ΠЄΡΙ ΖΩCΙΜΟΝ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΟΡΑ (Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 158). The coins appear to be all dedicatory. Chief types—River-god ΛΥΚΟC recumbent; Wolf, symbol of R. Lycus; Artemis huntress; Artemis Ephesia; Artemis in biga of stags; Athena; Leto with infants; Zeus Laodikeus; Helios; Demeter; Sarapis; Isis; Asklepios and Hygieia; also busts of ΒΟΥΛΗ; ΔΗΜΟC; Helios; Mên; Athena; Sarapis; &c. (B. M. C., Phr., p. xlix, and Pl. XIX. 4-9).
Cotiaëum (Koutaya), on the upper Tembris, about thirty miles north of Appia on the north road from Acmoneia to Dorylaëum. Quasi- autonomous and Imperial coins, Tiberius to Gallienus. Inscr., ΚΟ- ΤΙΑΕΙΣ ΡΩΜΗΝ or ΣΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ and, later, ΚΟΤΙΑЄΩΝ. Magis- trates—ΕΠΙ ΜΑΡΚΟΥ ΛΕΠΙΔΟΥ M. Aemilius Lepidus, Proconsul of Asia, A.D. 21-22, and Μ. CΚΑΠΛΑ ΑΝΘ., M. Scapula, Proconsul under Trajan (Hunter, ii. 483). Local magistrates with επι, with or without
Chief types—Kybele seated, often in lion-car, the lions sometimes supporting on their heads an agonistic table; Helios in quadriga, or standing with seated statuette of Kybele on his arm; Herakles with same statuette, or with infant Telephos, or in the garden of the Hesperides; Zeus seated; Apollo seated, or standing before tripod; Artemis Ephesia; Asklepios and Hygieia; &c. Also heads of Roma (ΡΩΜΗΝ), Synkletos (ΣVΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ), and ΔΗΜΟC (B. M. C., Phr., Pls. XX-XXII).
Alliance coins with Ephesus. ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ ΠΡΟΟ ЄΦЄCΙΟVC (Cara- calla). City of Cotiaëum represented by Kybele seated before Artemis Ephesia and crowned by Tyche (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. LI. 6).
Diocleia (Doghla), in the country of the Moxeani, stood in a well- watered valley on the road from Acmoneia to Eucarpeia.
Imperial coins, of Elagabalus only. Inscr., ΔΙΟΚΛЄΑΝΩΝ ΜΟΖЄ- ΑΝΩΝ. Types—Apollo standing between tripod and column, on which he supports his lyre (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XXII. 7; cf. Hirsch, Auct. Cat. xiii. 4116); Demeter standing (Z. f. N., xvi. 8).
Dionysopolis occupied a fertile district on the south bank of the upper
Maeander, by which its territory was separated from the κοινον of the
Hyrgaleis (Ramsay, C. and B., 126; J. H. S., iv. 374 ff, x. 216 ff.;
Reinach, Chron. d'Or., i. 497. 4). According to Steph. Byz. it was founded
by Eumenes II (B.C. 197-159) and Attalus II (B.C. 159-138) of Pergamum
on the spot where a ζοανον of Dionysos had been found. Autonomous Æ
of second or first century B.C. Obv. Head of young Dionysos in ivy-
wreath, rev. ΔΙ°ΝΥΣ Bunch of grapes (B. M.). Obv. Bust of young
Dionysos in ivy-wreath with thyrsos at shoulder, rev. ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟ, Dio-
nysos standing wearing himation, holding thyrsos and grapes over
panther. Magistrate’s name with patronymic as on contemporary
coins of Apameia. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins, Tiberius
Magistrates’ names in nominative with patronymic under Tiberius.
In time of Severus and Caracalla with title Strategos (CΤΡΑΤΗ-
ΓΟΥΝΤΟC), and dedicatory coins by ΧΑΡΗC Β ΙЄΡЄΥC ΔΙΟΝΥCΟΥ,
with ΑΝЄΘΗΚЄΝ. On coins of Elagabalus Maesa, and Annia Faus-
tina, struck A.D. 221-2, the date . Ο = year 70, occurs. This points
to the year A.D. 152-3 as the era from which Dionysopolis reckoned
its years. Antoninus Pius may have inaugurated some festival there
in that year. Cf. similar dated coins of the Hyrgaleis and of
Laodiceia (Imh., Kl. M., 222). Chief types (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XXIII)—
Dionysos enthroned or standing, sometimes between Zeus Laodikeus
and Asklepios, or between the Apollo of Hierapolis and Asklepios;
Demeter (?) veiled to front holding in each hand a torch, beside her,
Telesphoros (J. H. S., iv. 161); Asklepios and Telesphoros, Cista mys-
tica with serpent; Zeus Laodikeus; Kybele seated; Artemis Ephesia;
Hermes; Rider-god with double-axe; River-god ΜЄΑΝΔΡΟC; also
heads of ΖЄΥC ΠΟΤΗΟC, epithet elsewhere unknown; ΠΟΛΙC, City-
goddess; Sarapis; Seilenos; ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC; ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ; and
ΔΗΜΟC. The Rider-god with the double-axe is a type common to
many towns in Lydia and Phrygia (B. M. C., Lyd., p. cxxviii).
Docimeium (Ichje Kara-hissar), lay in a gorge of the river Dureius, an affluent of the Caÿstrus about twenty miles north-east of Prymnessus on the road leading to Amorium. It was a Macedonian town founded by a certain Dokimos, perhaps the general who surrendered Synnada to Lysimachus, B.C. 302.
Quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins, Claudius to Tranquillina. Inscr., ΔΟΚΙΜΕΩΝ or ΔΟΚΙΜЄΩΝ ΜΑΚЄΔΟΝΩΝ. Magistrates— Anthypatos, ΕΠΙ ΚΟΡΒΟΥΛΩΝΟΣ ΑΝΘΥ, prob. Cn. Domitius Corbulo, Procos. of Asia, A.D. 51 or 52, who was put to death by order of Nero at Cenchreae, A.D. 67. Local Magistrate. Strategos, with additional title First Archon, on coin of Verus only (Mion. iv. 516). No other Magis- trates’ names. Chief types—Kybele standing to front between two lions; Kybele riding on lion; Kybele standing beside Mount Persis (Jahrbuch Arch. Inst., iii. 295); Dionysos naked to front, between small satyr and Eros (Imh., Kl. M., Pl. VII. 20); Two naked men contending with lion at foot of a cultus-statue or trophy (?), probably a reminiscence of the bronze group dedicated by Krateros at Delphi in memory of his rescue of Alexander from the attack of a lion (Plut. Alex. 40; but see Imh., Kl. M., 224, according to whose description the men are rescuing a woman from the lion). Mount ΠЄΡCΙC; River- god [Δ]ΟΥΡЄΙΟC; Apollo naked with tripod beside him; Athena; Artemis holding two torches; Hermes; Asklepios; Telesphoros; &c. Also heads of ΔΟΚΙΜΟC, the oekist; Herakles; Hermes; Pan; ΙΕΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC; ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ; &c. For illustrations see B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XXIV. The famous quarries of the marble known as Docimean and Synnadean were in Mount Persis.
Alliance coins with Ephesus, ΕΦΕCΙΩΝ ΔΟΚΙΜΕΩΝ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ (Gordian) (Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 148).
Dorylaëum (Eski-shehr), the most northern town in Phrygia, on the river Tembris (Radet, En Phrygie, 80; Imh., Kl. M., 225). Imperial coins, Vespasian to Philip Jun. Inscr., ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ. Magistrate— Anthypatos, ΙΤΑΛΙΚΩ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΩ, Ti. Catius C. Silius Italicus, Procos. of Asia shortly after A.D. 77. Local Magistrates, Archon, or First Archon and Stephanephoros, in genitive case with επι.
Chief types—Kybele; Hades; Dionysos; River god (Tembris); Zeus, on one coin of Trajan with epithet ΜΕΛΗΝΟC (Imh., l. c. This is the Zeus of Mela, and points to a close connexion between Dorylaëum and Mela in Bithynia); Nemesis; Thanatos with reversed torch; Two draped figures carrying spears and sacrificing before altar over which an eagle hovers, perhaps Dorylaos and Akamas as founders (cf. Radet, op. cit., p. 165 ff.). The names of two of the archons which occur on coins of Gordian and Philip, Attikos and Timaeos, are met with in lapidary inscriptions found at Eski-Shehr and Shehr-E'uyuk. For illustrations see B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XXV.
Epicteteis. See Aezanis.
Eriza, an unimportant city in the lower Indus valley between Cibyra and Themisonium (Ramsay, C. and B., 253 ff.; Imh., Kl. M., 226). Like Cibyra it seems to have been autonomous before B.C. 84, and to have issued a few bronze coins:—Obv. Head of Poseidon(?), rev. ΕΡΙΖΗΝΩΝ Eagle on fulmen (Z. f. N., x. 56). Obv. Bust of Athena, Magistrate's
Eucarpeia (Emir Hissar) was the chief city in the valley of the Phrygian Pentapolis (Ramsay, C. & B., 690). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins, Augustus to Volusian. In the time of Augustus, Eucarpeia was the only place of mintage in the whole valley, and its coins consequently bear the inscr. ΕΥΚΑΡΠΙΤΙΚΟΥ, showing that they were current through- out the whole of the Eucarpitic Plain, as the Valley of the upper Glaucus may then have been called. The name ‘Pentapolis’ is quite late and only occurs twice (Ramsay, l. c. 698). These coins were issued in the name of ΛΥΚΙΔΑΣ ΕΥΞΕΝΟΥ, probably a Priest, and of ΑΠΦΙΑ ΙΕΡΗΑ, Priestess apparently of Artemis, whose statue is the prevailing type at Eucarpeia. The goddess stands to front, holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver; on her r. is a deer, and on her left a small cultus-idol of an Asiatic goddess, perhaps Kybele. From Hadrian’s time the inscr. is ЄΥΚΑΡΠЄΩΝ, and coins were struck ЄΠΙΜЄΛΗΘЄΙCΗC ΠЄΔΙΑC CЄΚΟΥΝΔΗC (Pedia Secunda, doubtless also a Priestess), and later under M. Aurelius, ЄΠΙΜЄΛΗΘЄΝΤΟC Γ. ΚΛ. ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ (Flaccus, probably a Priest), or ΑΙΤΗCΑΜЄΝΟΥ Π. ΚΛ. ΜΑΞ. ΜΑΡΚЄΛΛΙΑΝΟΥ (Marcellianus, the official on whose special request an issue of coins may have been authorized, cf. Ramsay, l. c., 693). Other types—Kybele standing with hand resting on lion’s head; Hermes with ram; Poseidon; Eucarpeia, city-goddess, seated holding ears of corn; Bucranium surmounted by crescent and two stars; Temple of Tyche, &c., also heads of ЄΥΚΑΡΠЄΙΑ. ΔΗΜΟC, ΒΟΥΛΗ. Dionysos, Hermes, &c. For illustrations see B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XXVI.
Eumeneia (Ishekli) was a Pergamene city founded by Attalus II B.C. 159-138 as a counterpoise to the neighbouring Peltae, a Seleucid stronghold. He named it after his brother Eumenes. The territory of Eumeneia comprised the rich plain between the lower Glaucus and its junction with the upper Maeander, in the midst of which stood, at Attanassos, the hieron of an old Phrygian god (Ramsay, C. & B., 356). Its earliest coins are autonomous bronze of the second century B.C. Inscr., ΕΥΜΕΝΕΩΝ. Types—Head of Zeus, rev. oak-wreath; Head of Athena, rev. Nike; Head of Dionysos, rev. Tripod between bipennis entwined by serpent and filleted laurel branch, each surmounted by star, mostly with magistrates’ names in genitive case with patronymic. After an interval of about half a century coins were struck, probably at Eumeneia, under the name of Fulvia, which appears to have been imposed upon it for a very brief time in honour of the wife of M. Antony (ob. B.C. 40). Obv. Portrait of Fulvia as Nike winged, rev. ΦΟΥΛΟΥΙΑΝΩΝ ΖΜΕΡ- ΤΟΡΙΓΟΣ ΦΙΛΩΝΙΔΟΥ, Athena with spear and shield, or Same inscr. in ivy-wreath (Z. f. N. xvii. 21). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins were issued from the time of Tiberius to that of Gallienus. Inscr., ΕΥΜΕΝΕΩΝ and later ЄΥΜЄΝЄΩΝ ΑΧΑΙΩΝ, showing that some of the influential families claimed an Achaean ancestry. Magistrates—Tiberius to Nero
Under Domitian the name is in the genitive case accompanied by ЄΙCΑΝΓЄΙΛΑΝΤΟC and ΑΡΧΙ. ΑCΙΑC, which is supposed to mean that the coin was issued ‘on the presentation of a report by’ the chief priest (see supra, p. 662). After Domitian the few names which occur are preceded by επι. Titles—αρχιερευς, under Philip, and αγωνοθετης, under Volusian. Games (according to Sestini, Lett., ix. 61)—ΦΙΛΑΔЄΛΦΙΑ, on coin of Gallienus. Chief types—Naked Apollo holding double-axe and raven; the Rider-god with double-axe (cf. similar divinities at Thyatira); Zeus standing; Artemis Ephesia; Apollo and Dionysos in car drawn by goat and pantheress, on the goat’s back sits Eros playing the double flute; Nike sacrificing bull; River-god ΓΛΑΥΚΟC; &c. Also heads of Hermes, Dionysos, ЄΥΜЄΝЄΙΑ, ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC, ΔΗΜΟC, &c. It will be seen from the above notes that the coinage of Eumeneia is chiefly of a sacerdotal character. No purely municipal titles occur. For illustrations see B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XXVII.
Flaviopolis. See Temenothyrae.
Fulvia. See Eumeneia.
Grimenothyrae or Flavia Grimenothyrae. The Grimenothyreis were a people inhabiting the region between Temenothyrae (Ushak) and Keramon Agora on the upper Sindrus near Acmoneia. Their two cities were Flavia Grimenothyrae and Trajanopolis, some four miles to the south of it. Grimenothyrae dates from the time of Domitian, Trajanopolis, a more convenient site (Charik-keui), from that of Trajan (Imhoof, Festschrift für O. Benndorf, p. 204). The coins of Grimenothyrae range from Domitian to Hadrian, those of Trajanopolis (q. v.) from Trajan to Gordian. Inscr., A coin of Domitian (Imhoof, l. c.) reads ΦΛΑΟΥΙΩΝ ΓΡΙΜЄΝΟΘΥΡЄΩΝ; those of Trajan and Hadrian ΓΡΙΜЄΝΟΘΥΡЄΩΝ only; and these latter bear Magistrates’ names with επι but without titles. Chief types—Zeus seated; Asklepios and Hygieia; Zeus draped standing with eagle and sceptre; Mên standing; Athena standing; Demeter standing; Herakles standing holding apple; &c. Also heads of Herakles, Artemis, ΙЄΡΑCΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC, ΔΗΜΟC,&c. For illustrations see B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XXVIII.
Hadrianopolis or Hadrianopolis Sebaste, in the extreme east of Phrygia Paroreios, some fifteen miles south-east of Philomelium near Doghan Arslan. According to Ramsay and Anderson, its original name seems to have been Thymbrion (J. H. S., viii. 491, 48, 49, and xviii. 116 ff.;
1 Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 150, notes the few other instances known to him, in which the article is prefixed to the magistrate’s title, e. g. ο αρχιατρος (at Ceramus), ο γραμ- μτευς (at Colossae), and ο επιμελητης (at Mastaura).
Hierapolis, the ‘Holy City’ (Pambuk Kalesi), stood on a lofty ridge overlooking the wide plain of the Lycus as far as its junction with the Maeander some fifteen miles to the west. The place owed its sanctity to its famous hot springs and its Charonion, believed to be an entrance into the underworld, from which a mephitic vapour was emitted. Leto the Mother-goddess, Apollo-Helios-Lairbenos, and other native Phrygian divinities were also revered at Hierapolis.
Its earliest coins are autonomous bronze of the second century B.C. reading ΙΕΡΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ. The form ΙΕΡΑΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ dates only from the time of Augustus. The types of the autonomous coins are, obv. Head of Apollo, rev. Goddess Roma (?) holding Nike, and seated on three shields; also, obv. Head of Zeus, rev. Apollo Kitharoedos; obv. Lyre, rev. Omphalos. Monogram or Magistrate’s name in nominative case. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins, Augustus to Valerian. Inscr., after Claudius, ΙЄΡΑΠΟΛЄΙΤΩΝ, with addition, sometimes, of ΝЄΩ- ΚΟΡΩΝ from time of Elagabalus. Roman Magistrates, ΦΑΒΙΟΣ ΜΑΞΙ- ΜΟΣ, Procos., B.C. 5, with his portrait, and ΜΑΡΚЄΛ. ΑΝΘΥ. (Clodius Eprius Marcellus, Procos., A. D. 70-73, cf. also Laodiceia). Municipal Magistrates, in nominative case, usually with patronymic, and occa- sionally with titles, Φιλοπατρις, Γραμματευς δημου, Γραμματευς. Magistrates’ names do not occur regularly after the reign of Nero,[1] and the only coins of Hierapolis after the time of Philip seem to be alliance coins with Ephesus and Smyrna of the time of Valerian.
Chief types. (i) Before Trajan—Lyre; Tripod; Apollo Kitharoedos; Bipennis surmounted by head of Helios and with serpent round handle; Rider-god with bipennis; Demeter (?) seated; Zeus Laodikeus; Temple of the Augustan cult, with ΓΕΝΕΙ ΣΕΒΑCΤΩΝ. (ii) After Trajan— Artemis Ephesia; Athena and Hermes face to face; Athena Nikephoros; Apollo Kitharoedos; Rider-god with bipennis; Herakles standing; Two cloaked figures, each with spear, sacrificing before lighted altar (cf. Dory- laëum under Gordian); Rape of Kore; ΜΟΨΟC and ΤΟΡΡΗΒΟC, the pro- phet and the priest, the former with the bow and laurel-branch of the god Apollo, the latter holding cultus-image of the Phrygian goddess, and leaning on a lyre, referring to the introduction by him of the Lydian music into the ritual ceremony of the goddess (Ramsay, C. & B., 88); ΘЄΑ
1 Mion. iv. 630 and S. vii. 378, 391 are untrustworthy.
Games—The strictly Hierapolitan Games were the ΠVΘΙΑ from the time of Caracalla; the ΑΚΤΙΑ in connexion with the Neocory (Elaga- balus and Philippus); the ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ (Philippus); and ΤΑ ΠΑΡΑ ΤΩ ΧΡVCΟΡΟΑ (Annia Faustina). On the numerous alliance coins other games are also mentioned in combination with the ΠVΘΙΑ of Hierapolis, e. g. Π and Χ, each in wreath, for ΠVΘΙΑ and ΧΡVCΑΝΘΙΝΑ (Hierapolis and Sardes); Π and Є for ΠVΘΙΑ and ЄΦЄCΙΑ or Π and Ο for ΠVΘΙΑ and ΟΛVΜΠΙΑ (Hierapolis and Ephesus); ΠVΘΙΑ and ΚΟΙΝΑ ΑCΙΑC (Hierapolis and Smyrna), &c. (See v. Papen in Z. f. N., xxvi, pp. 161-82.)
Alliance coins. Alliance coins were struck at Hierapolis apparently on five distinct occasions. (i) Under Hadrian, alliance with Laodiceia and reciprocally at Laodiceia with Hierapolis. (ii) Under M. Aurelius, Verus, and Faustina, alliances with Cibyra (coins struck there), Ephesus, and Synnada. (iii) Under Commodus, alliances with Ephesus, Sardes., and Aphrodisias. (iv) Under the Philips, alliances with Ephesus, Smyrna, Sardes, Pergamum, and Cyzicus, often with heads of Lairbenos, Syn- kletos, &c., instead of the Imperial portrait. (v) Under Valerian, alli- ances with Ephesus and Smyrna.
The evidence for an alliance coin with Ceretapa (Eckhel, D. N., iii. 157) rests only on the doubtful authority of Vaillant.
For illustrations see B. M. C., Phr., Pls. XXIX-XXXII, and Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 151 sqq.
Hieropolis was the old religious centre of the Glaukos valley of which Eucarpeia was the commercial capital. During nearly all of the first century A. D. Eucarpeia provided currency for the whole valley (see supra, p. 673). Hieropolis began to coin apparently only under Nerva, and its coinage does not extend beyond the time of Elaga- balus. Inscr., ΙЄΡΟΠΟΛЄΙΤΩΝ. In the time of M. Aurelius, Verus, and Faustina Jun. the coins were issued in the name of an Asiarch, ЄΠΙΜЄΛΗΘЄΝΤΟC ΚΛ. ΠΩΛΛΙΩΝΟC ΑCΙΑΡΧΟΥ. No other magis- trates’ names occur. The chief types are Nike wingless or winged; Zeus βροντων naked, hurling fulmen or holding eagle, sometimes with a second eagle at his feet and with aegis hanging over his extended arm; Kybele seated; Demeter standing before altar; Hades-Sarapis seated with Kerberos, and sometimes with Isis standing before him; Artemis running; Artemis Ephesia; Asklepios; Mên; Two stars in crescent above the horns of a bucranium, one above the other, connected by a vertical line (cf. coins of Eucarpeia, Peltae, and Stectorium); Tyche; &c.
1 Concerning these names see Ramsay, C. & B., 627, 637, and Imh., Lyd. Stadtm., 108, 182. 2 On the derivation of this word see Ramsay, C. & B., 153.
Hydrela is placed by Ramsay (C. & B., 172) on the left bank of the Maeander opposite Tripolis. The territory of the Hydrelitae comprised the lower plain of the Lycus including originally Hierapolis, which gradually superseded Hydrela and rose to be the religious centre of the district, while Hydrela sank into the position of a small city of little importance. Its earliest coinage dates from the first century B.C. Obv. Bust of Artemis. Rev. Mên standing (Brit. Mus.). Inscr., ΥΔΡΗΛΙ- ΤΩΝ.
There are also a few quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins. Inscr., ΥΔΡΗΛΕΙΤΩΝ, one of Augustus (or young Nero ?) with magistrate's name in nominative, ΕΥΘΥΔΩΡΟΣ (Imh., Kl. M., 245) and several dedicatory coins of Hadrian’s time with ΑΠЄΛΛΑC ΑΘΗΝΑΓΟΡΟΥ ΑΝЄΘΗΚЄ. Types—Mên on horse; Hera standing before Zeus Laodi- keus and Athena (a modification of the Capitoline Triad, cf. Imhoof, Kl. M., i. 121, 266, 272); Hermes standing; Dionysos standing; Apollo Kitharistes; Lion and Star; Club, bow-case, and quiver. Also Heads of Athena, Sarapis, and ΔΗΜΟC, some certainly much later than Hadrian's time (Millingen, Syll., 73). For illustrations see B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XXXIII.
Hyrgaleis. These people occupied part of the modern Chal-ova in the
bend of the upper Maeander between the territory of Dionysopolis
on the west and the plain of Peltae on the east. The townships
in the Hyrgalean Plain formed a single federation or κοινον. There
are several ancient sites in the plain, but the place of mintage was
probably Lounda. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins, Antoninus
Pius to Sev. Alexander. Inscr., VΡΓΑΛΛЄΩΝ, and more com-
monly VΡΓΑΛЄΩΝ. [1] Magistrates—Ant. Pius to Domna and Cara-
calla in genitive with επι, and title Archon or Strategos (Imhoof, Zur
gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 154; Z. f. N., xvii. 22; Invent. Wadd., 367).
Apollodotus, one of the Strategoi of whom coins are known, has also left
a lapidary inscription dedicated to Ant. Pius, on which he records, as
the climax of his own services, the fact that he had struck coins
(κοψας και νομισματα). (See Macdonald in Class. Rev., 1907, p. 58.)
The Hyrgaleis seem to have issued a great many coins in the year
A.D. 222, when Severus Alexander became emperor. These are all
dated ΤϚ (= 306 from the Lydo-Phrygian or Sullan era, B.C. 85-84),
and are without magistrates’ names. The chief types of the Hyrgalean
coins are Rider-god with double-axe and hound (Z. f. N., l. c.); Zeus
Laodikeus; Kybele enthroned; Demeter standing; River-god ΜΑΙΑΝ-
ΔΡΟC; Mên standing; Apollo and Artemis face to face, with stag
between them; Hermes; Isis; Dikaiosyne; Tyche. Also Heads of
Dionysos, Sarapis, ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC, ΔΗΜΟC, ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ, veiled
and diademed as on coins of the neighbouring Dionysopolis, &c. (Imhoof,
Gr. M., 216; Kl. M., 246; Ramsay, C. & B., 129). For illustrations see
B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XXXIII.
Iulia (Ipsus). This old Phrygian town, renamed Julia in early Impe- rial times, was probably at or near the modern Ishakli (Anderson,
1 Ramsay (C. & B. 129) mentions a coin of Domna with inscr. VΡΓΑΛЄΩΝΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ (= κοινον).
Laodiceia ad Lycum was a stronghold of Seleucid power and influence founded by Antiochus II (B.C. 261-246), and named in honour of his wife Laodice. An older city on the same site was called Diospolis or Rhoas. The territory of Laodiceia included a great part of the Lycus valley, and was bounded by the two streams Lykos and Kapros, personified on its coins by a Wolf and a Boar. Its earliest coins are cistophori. These fall into three classes:—(i) B.C. 189-133, ΛΑΟ; symbols, Wolf and Head of city; Wolf and Lyre; Head of city goddess, Aphrodite or Laodice. (ii) After B.C. 133, ΛΑΟ, and Magistrates’ names in genitive or (later) in nominative with patronymic; constant symbol, Caduceus. (iii) Proconsular Cistophori of T. Ampius, B.C. 58-57; C. Fabius, B.C. 57-56; P. Lentulus, P. f., Procos. of Cilicia B.C. 56-53, and Impera- tor; Ap. Pulcher, Ap. f., Procos. of Cilicia B.C. 53-51, and Imperator; M. Tullius, M. f. Cicero, Procos. of Cilicia B.C. 51-50, and Imperator; and of C. Fannius, Pontifex, B.C. 49-48; with local magistrate’s name and patronymic; symbol, caduceus (cf. similar classes at Apameia).
The autonomous bronze coins of Laodiceia probably began about the
same time as the earliest cistophori. Inscr., ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ. Types—
Turreted head of goddess, rev. Lion seated; Head of Zeus, rev. Lotus
flower; Head of Aphrodite, rev. Aphrodite seated, holding dove; or
Aphrodite standing, holding dove with rose before her. The following
are of later date, after B.C. 133:—Head of Aphrodite or Queen Laodice,
wearing stephane and diadem, rev. Cornucopiae, double or single, the
latter usually accompanied by a caduceus; Head of Apollo (?), rev.
Tripod. The latest autonomous coins bear the mon. , perhaps
year 21 of the Sullan era (= B.C. 63), or else a proper name
(ЄΚΑΤ.... (?)). Types—Head of Zeus, rev. Cornucopiae with eagle on
it; Head of Dionysos, rev. Cista mystica between Caps of Dioskuri;
Running boar, rev. Wolf. (River-gods Kapros and Lykos.) My sugges-
tion that the female head wearing stephane and diadem(?) may be
a traditional portrait of Queen Laodice, and not merely an ideal head of
Aphrodite, though hypothetical, is, I think, warranted by the edict
of Antiochus II (B. C. H., 1885, 324 ff.) conferring upon Laodice divine
honours and appointing High Priestesses for her special cult in the
various satrapies of his dominions.
The quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins of Laodiceia range from Augustus to Trajan Decius. Inscr., ΛΑΟΔΙΚЄΩΝ, or, from the time of Caracalla, often ΛΑΟΔΙΚЄΩΝ ΝЄΩΚΟΡΩΝ. Magistrates—Anthypatos
In the time of Commodus Laodiceia received the title Neokoros, and by a decree of the Senate at a later date the name of Elagabalus [1] was associated with that of Commodus, ΝЄΩΚΟΡΩΝ ΚΟΜΟΔΟΥ ΚЄ ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟΥ ΔΟΓΜΑΤΙ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΥ.
The Games at Laodiceia mentioned on coins are the ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΙΑ ΚΟΜΟΔЄΙΑ, the ΚΟΙΝΑ ΑCΙΑC, and the ΑCΚΛΗΠЄΙΑ (Z. f. N., xiv. 122).
Dates. Some of the coins of Caracalla and Sev. Alexander bear the dates 88 and 108, which point to an era in Hadrian’s reign, either A.D. 123 or 130, in both of which years he visited Laodiceia (Imh., Kl. M., 272).
Among the chief types of the coins of Laodiceia are the following heads or busts—ΘЄΑ ΡΩΜΗ; ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC; ΒΟVΛΗ; ΔΗΜΟC; ΛΑΟΔΙΚΗΑ and ΛΑΟΔΙΚЄΙΑ; CΥΝЄΔΡΙΟΥ ΝЄΩΝ [2], bust of the Sy- nedrion of young citizens, with two staves (?) at his back; ΖЄΥC ΑCЄΙC; Mên; &c. The principal reverse-types are—Lion or Panther seated, with double-axe over shoulder; Zeus Laodikeus standing draped in long chiton, holding an eagle and resting on his sceptre; Aphrodite draped standing; Altar surmounted by head-dress of Isis, or by mask of Seilenos; Infant Ploutos on cornucopiae; Artemis Ephesia; Hades with Kerberos; Wolf and Boar (River-gods Lykos and Kapros); Zeus ΑCЄΙC carrying infant, with goat beside him; Pantheistic Tyche (Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 161); Gymnasiarch (?) with vase at his feet containing vexillum; Aphrodite naked to front, dressing her hair, between Eros and dolphin; the three Charites; Hekate triformis; City-goddess standing between Wolf and Boar, and holding phiale and statuette of Zeus Laodikeus (Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 161); or Lykos and Kapros recumbent in human form; Hera standing before Zeus and
1 Not Caracalla, see Imh., Kl. M., 274. 2 Cf. coins of Heracleia Salbace in Caria.
Alliance coins in time of Nero with Smyrna; Hadrian with Hiera- polis; M. Aurelius with Smyrna, Ephesus, Pergamum, and Adra- myteum (?) (Mion. iv. 749 after Vaillant); Commodus with Ephesus and Nicomedia; Caracalla with Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum; Philip Jun. with Ephesus and Smyrna. Alliance coins with Laodiceia were also issued at Hierapolis, Smyrna, Perinthus (?) (Mion. iv. 752), Antiocheia ad Maeandrum (?) (after Vaillant), also at Tripolis and at Heracleia Salbace (Invent. Wadd., 2424).
Leonna or Leonnaea is conjecturally placed by Ramsay (C. & B., i. 597) at Hissar, five miles north of Sebaste in the plain of the Sindrus (?) (the Banaz-Ova) west of the Burgas Dagh. The only known coin is of the second century B.C. and is figured by Imhoof (Kl. M., Pl. IX. 7). Obv. Turreted female head. Rev. ΛΕΟΝΝΑΙΤΩΝ, Lion seated on spear-head holding broken shaft of spear in raised l. fore-paw. The seated lion occurs on contemporary coins of Peltae.
Lysias, according to Ramsay (C. & B., 754) and Anderson (J. H. S., xviii. 107 ff.), probably founded by a general of Seleucus or Antiochus the Great and named after himself, lay on the great trade-route from Apameia north-east to the Paroreios, in the plain called Oinan-Ova some five miles west of the head of L. Limnae (Hoiran Göl). The known coins seem to have been struck on two occasions only, once by Flavius Attalus (M. Aurelius and Commodus) and once again under Gordian with contemporary quasi-autonomous issues. Inscr., ΛΥC Ι Α- ΔЄΩΝ. Magistrate—επι Φλα. ‘Ατταλου. Types—Heads of ΒΟΥΛΗ, ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ, and ΔΗΜΟC. Reverses, Dionysos standing; Hekate tri- formis; Demos standing; Kybele seated; Tyche; Emperor on horse- back (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XXXVIII).
Metropolis. There were two cities of this name in Phrygia and one in Ionia, and it is difficult to distinguish between their coins. To the northern Metropolis in the Caÿster valley east of Prymnessus no coins can be certainly attributed, and the only ones that clearly belong to the southern Metropolis in the Chal Ova on the great eastern highway from Apameia to Phrygia Paroreios, are of the time of Philip and Trajan Decius, Etruscilla, Heren. Etruscus, and Hostilian. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial. Inscr., ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛЄΙΤΩΝ ΦΡΥ. or ΦΡΥΓ. Magistrate, ΠΑΡ. ΑΛЄΞ. ΤΙЄΙΟΥ ΑΡΧ. ΠΡΩ. This Alexander Tieiou, First Archon, is mentioned in an inscription as a leading citizen of the town about A. D. 250 (Ramsay, C. & B., 758). The formula with παρα instead of επι occurs
Alliance coin with Sardes (Commodus) (Hirsch, Auct. Cat., xiii. 4145).
Midaëum, in the extreme north of Phrygia on the river Tembris or Tembros, takes its name from King Midas. Eckhel, D. N., iii. 168, mentions a coin of Gordian with a head of Midas and inscription ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙCΤΗΝ. It was situated about eighteen miles east of Dorylaëum on the road to Pessinus in Galatia. Imperial coins, Augustus to Philip. Inscr., ΜΙΔΑΕΩΝ, accompanied sometimes by Magistrates’ names with επι and title ΠΡ. ΑΡΧ. (First Archon). Chief types—Pan standing; Asklepios; Hygieia; River god, ΤΕΜΒΡΙC or ΤΕΜΒΡΟC; Hades seated with Kerberos; Demeter standing; Zeus draped standing with eagle at his feet; Dionysos standing; ΤΥΧΗ ΜΙΔΑΕΩΝ, City Tyche seated between two Erotes; Kybele seated. On a coin of Diadumenian in the British Museum the inscription is curiously written ΜΙΔΑΕΩΝ. Β, which has not been explained, but which I suggest may be intended as a mark of Value, Α Β standing for 2 Assaria; see B. M. C., Phr., p. 337, note 1.
Nacoleia, now the desolate village of Sidi-el-Ghazi, was in Roman times a flourishing town situated on the river Parthenius, an affluent of the upper Sangarius, some forty miles south of Dorylaëum. It was once surrounded by splendid forests, but the country is now bare and arid. Its coins range from Titus to Gordian. Inscr., ΝΑΚΟΛЄΩΝ. Magis- trate, T. Aquillius Proculus, Procos., A. D. 103-104. Sir W. M. Ramsay acquired at Nacoleia a specimen reading ЄΠΙ ΑΚVΛΛΙ ΠΡΟΚΛΟV (Wadd., Fastes, 171). Types—Zeus seated; Demeter (?) enthroned; Herakles standing, with inscription ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙCCΤΗΝ (sic), B. M.; Winged caduceus; Asklepios; Eagle; City-Tyche seated; River ΠΑΡΘЄΝΙΟC; &c. (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XXXIX).
Ococleia. This city is conjecturally placed by Ramsay close to Metro- polis in the Chal-Ova, and Imhoof (Kl. M., 280) notes that the obv. die of one of its coins is identical with that of a coin of the neighbouring Lysias. It struck quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins, Commodus and Gordian. Inscr., ΟΚΟΚΛΙЄΩΝ. Magistrate, ЄΠΙ ΚΛ. ΚΑΛΩ- ΒΡΟΤΟΥ, obv. ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC. The same magistrate is entitled Asiarch on a coin of Crispina belonging to Sir W. M. Ramsay. Types— Zeus seated; Kybele-Demeter standing; Kybele seated; Tyche.
Alliance coin with Bruzus, under Commodus. Type—Kybele-Demeter and Zeus Laodikeus face to face (Num. Chron., 1892, Pl. XVI. 18 (Weber)). See B. M. C., Phr., Introd. p. lxxxv and Pl. XL.
Otrus was one of the five cities of the Eucarpitic plain in central Phrygia. It seems to have been situated midway between Eucarpeia and Hieropolis. Quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins with heads of
Palaeobeudos, or Beudos Vetus, seems to have been situated near the north end of the Synnadic plain, some eight miles north of Synnada. It appears to have struck coins only under Hadrian. Inscr., ΠΑΛΑΙΟ- ΒЄΥΔΗΝΩΝ. No names of magistrates. Types—Apollo naked, with lyre and laurel-branch; Mên standing; Demeter standing. B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XL.
Peltae a Macedonian colony occupying the plain between Lounda and Eumeneia, is one of the cities in Phrygia which coined money in the second century, though probably not earlier than 133 B.C. Obv. Bust of hero in crested helmet with cheek-piece, rev. ΠΕΛΤΗΝΩΝ, Lion seated; obv. Head of Zeus, rev. Winged fulmen; obv. Head of bearded Herakles laur., rev. Club with lion-skin over handle.
These pieces bear magistrates’ names in monogram or in abbreviated form. After a long interval Peltae began again to strike coins, quasi- autonomous and Imperial, Ant. Pius to Volusian. Inscr., ΠЄΛΤΗΝΩΝ or ΠЄΛΤΗΝΩΝ ΜΑΚЄΔΟΝΩΝ. Magistrate, Archon or First Archon, Strategos or (on coin of Volusian) Grammateus (Invent. Wadd., 6392) with or without επι. Types—Heads of Herakles; Dionysos; Helios; Athena; Asklepios; City; &c.; ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC; ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ; ΔΗΜΟC; and Emperors. Among the reverse types the following may be mentioned: Hermes standing, holding the infant Dionysos (Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., Pl. VII. 1); Apollo standing; Athena Nike- phoros; Kybele to front; Temple of Artemis Ephesia; Artemis huntress; Herakles strangling lion; Asklepios; Hygieia; River ΜΑΙΑΝΔΡΟC; Emperor on horse; Stag; Bucranium supporting crescent containing two stars (cf. coins of Eucarpeia and Hieropolis); Tyche; Nike; &c. B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XLI.
Philomelium (Ak-Sheher), in the plain of Phrygia Paroreios, separated from central Phrygia by the lofty range of the Sultan Dagh, was probably a Pergamenian outpost on the high road to Iconium. A stream called the Gallus (?) flowed through the town northwards towards the Lake of the Forty Martyrs, some eight miles north. Philomelium struck auto- nomous coins [2] in the second century B.C., or perhaps rather later. Inscr., ΦΙΛΟΜΗΛΕΩΝ, obv. Bust of Mên with crescent at shoulders, rev. Zeus enthroned. The obv. of these coins bears a striking resemblance to that of some coins of Antioch, η προς τη Πισιδια (Strab. 577), about
1 Cf. similar type at Stectorium. 2 The dated Alexandrine tetradrachms assigned by Müller (1178-1195) to Philomelium are attributed by Imhoof (Kl. M., 308), with greater probability, to Phaselis.
Prymnessus (Seulun, near Afium Kara-Hissar) was situated on a small affluent of the Caÿster, some fifteen miles north of Synnada on the road from that city to Docimeium. The position of the town, at a point where much frequented trade-routes from south to north and from east to west met and crossed one another, must have made Prymnessus a commercial rather than a religious centre of activity, and its prevailing coin-type, Dikaiosyne with her pair of scales (the Roman Aequitas), is especially appropriate to an exchange-mart such as this city must have been in Roman times.
Its earliest coins are autonomous of the first century B.C. Obv. Turreted head of City, rev. ΠΡΥΜΝΗΣΣΕΩΝ, Hermes standing, with much abbreviated magistrates’ names. Its subsequent issues are quasi- autonomous and Imperial, Augustus to Gallienus. Inscr., ΠΡΥΜ- ΝΗCCЄΩΝ or ΠΡΥΜΝΗΣΣΕΙΣ. Magistrates’ names, at first usually in nominative case, accompanied sometimes by title, e. g. under Tiberius, ‘Αρτας Φιλοπατρις, and ‘Ιουκουνδα ιερηα, probably husband and wife, Priest and Priestess. From Nero onwards the names are in genitive with επι and, occasionally, titles, ‘Ιερευς, Archon, Hippikos. Chief types—ΜΙΔΑC or ΒΑCΙΛЄΥC ΜΙΔΑC, Bearded head of King Midas in Phrygian cap; ΘЄΟΝ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ; ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC; ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ; ΒΟΥΛΗ; ΔΗΜΟC; Busts of Mên or Sarapis. Reverse types—River-god (Kays- tros (?) ); Scales; Dikaiosyne with scales, standing or seated, sometimes in temple, or on throne supported by two figures of Nike flying, and with two Erotes riding on Hippocamps in ex. (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XLIII. 2); Zeus Καρποδοτης (?) (Ramsay, Athenische Mittheilungen, vii. 35) seated; Kybele seated, or standing; Asklepios; Hygieia; Isis; Tyche; &c.
Sebaste (Sivasli) was the most important city on the road from Eumeneia northwards to Acmoneia, which skirted the great plain now called the Banaz Ova, running beneath the foot-hills of the Burgas Dagh range of mountains. Sivasli is still a rich village full of ancient remains, among which is an inscription recording the formation of a Γερουσια. The plain north of Sivasli is still well-wooded, and is bounded on the west by the river Banaz Chai, the ancient Senarus, or rather CΙΝΔΡΟC as it is spelt on a coin (B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XLIII. 4). Coins, quasi-auto- nomous and Imperial, were occasionally issued from Augustus to Gordian or later. Inscr., ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΝΩΝ. Magistrates in nominative case till time of Severus; later in genitive with επι and title Archon. Chief types—Heads of Dionysos; Mên; Young Herakles; ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC; ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ; ΔΗΜΟC. Reverse types—Zeus seated; Kybele seated; Perseus slaying Gorgon, Athena behind him; Mên standing; Dionysos in panther-car; Demeter standing; Bow in case and club; Hygieia; Asklepios; Ganymedes standing holding syrinx and pedum, eagle embracing him; River-god CΙΝΔΡΟC; Emperor (Caracalla (?)) on gal- loping horse; &c.
Alliance coin with Temenothyrae struck at the latter place.
Sibidunda is identified by Anderson (J. H. S., xviii. 104) with Atli- Hissar at the southern extremity of the plain of Synnada, at the point where the road from Synnada to Metropolis enters the hilly country which separates the Synnadic and Metropolitan plains. Imperial coins, M. Aurelius Caesar to Gordian. Inscr., CΙΒΙΔΟΥΝΔЄΩΝ. No names of magistrates. Types—Zeus seated; Artemis running; Helen standing between the Dioskuri, her head surmounted by crescent. This type occurs also in Pisidia and Pamphylia (see B. M. C., Phr., Pl. XLIV; Lycia, Pl. IX. 12, and Introd., p. lvii); Dionysos standing, or in biga of panthers; Mên standing. The absence of magistrates’ names on the coins of Sibidunda suggests a doubt as to whether this city was included in the province of Asia.
Siblia. This town is placed by Ramsay (C. & B., i. 221 ff.) in the plain of the upper Maeander halfway between Apameia and Eumeneia. The coinage, quasi-autonomous and Imperial, extends from Augustus to Geta. Inscr., ΣΙΒΛΙΑΝΩΝ and later CЄΙΒΛΙΑΝΩΝ. Magistrates’ names at first in nominative case, and later in genitive with παρα, e. g. under Caracalla and Geta ΠΑΡΑ ΜΗΝΟΔΟΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΙΛΙΑΝΗC,[1] probably a Priest and Priestess. Chief types—Busts of Mên; ΔΗΜΟC; CЄΙΒΛΙΑ turreted. Reverses—Herakles standing; Herakles strangling
1 Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 168, reads ΜΑΙΑΝΗC.
Siocharax. A town in the hilly country of the Moxeani, in a narrow valley where two roads met, the northern road from Eumeneia to Cotiaëum, and the eastern route through the Caÿster valley (Ramsay, C. & B., i. 632 ff.; Anderson, J. H. S., xvii. 421). The only coin at present known belongs to the time of Geta Caesar, and reads ЄΠΙ ΦΙΛΙCΚΟΥΛΙΔΟΥ ΑΡΧ. CΙΟΧΑΡΑΚЄΙΤΩΝ ΜΟΨЄΑ. Type—Tyche. See B. M. C., Phr., p. 382, and Pl. XLIV. 9.
Stectorium, the southernmost city of the Phrygian Pentapolis, stood on the left of the road which runs along the valley from Apameia to Hieropolis and Eucarpeia (Ramsay, C. & B., i. 689 ff.). A single autono- mous coin is known (Fox, Gr. Coins, ii. Pl. VIII. 153), obv. Bearded head, rev. Bow and quiver., Inscr., [Σ]ΤΕΚΤΟΡΗΝΩΝ, which seems to belong to the first century B.C. (Imhoof, Kl. M., 290). The sub- sequent issues, quasi-autonomous and Imperial, range from the time of M. Aurelius to Philip. Inscr., CΤЄΚΤΟΡΗΝΩΝ. Magistrates, with οιτησαμενου (M. Aurelius and Faustina Jun.), later with επι, and, in Philip’s time, with addition of ‘Ασιαρχου και της πατριδος. Chief types—Heads of Herakles; Sarapis; ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ; ΒΟΥΛΗ; and ΔΗΜΟC. Reverses—Dionysos standing; Asklepios; Hygieia; Crescent on bucranium, containing two stars; Zeus seated; Athena standing; Rider-god with double axe; Hero, Mygdon (?) [1] armed, or stepping into galley, cf. analogous type at Otrus, where the hero is perhaps Otreus (Imh., Kl. M., 290); Mygdon(?) in biga of galloping horses (Invent. Wadd., Pl. XVIII. 11). Otreus and Mygdon are mentioned by Homer (Il. iii. 186) as joint rulers in Phrygia.
Synaüs. This town was situated near the sources of the river Macestus, and close to Ancyra, in the district called Abbaïtis in Western Phrygia. It struck occasionally quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins, Nero to Philip. Inscr., CΥΝΑЄΙΤΩΝ. Magistrates, ЄΠΙ ΜΑΡ- ΚЄΛΛΟΥ ΤΟ Γ (the third year of the Proconsulship of T. Clodius Eprius Marcellus, A. D. 70-73). Local magistrate, Archon, who sometimes ranks as an Asiarch or son of an Asiarch, e.g. ЄΠ. ΙΟΥ. ΧΑΡΙΔΗΜΟΥ ΑΥΡ. ΥΟΥ ΑCΙ. ΑΡΧ. Α. ΤΟ. Β. on a coin of Philip (B. M. C., Phr., p. 391). Chief types—ΘЄΑΝ ΡΩΜΗΝ; ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC; ΔΗΜΟC; Naked Apollo shooting with bow; Dionysos standing; Two Nemeses; Zeus Laodikeus; Artemis Ephesia; Rider-god with double axe; &c.
Synnada. This city stood in a plain and was of considerable importance as a station on the road from Apameia to the north and east. Cicero (Ad Att., v. 16. 2), on his way to Cilicia, stayed three days at Laodiceia, three at Apameia, and three at Synnada. Its earliest coins are Cistophori, after B.C. 133 (Num. Chron., 1883, p. 187; Rev. Num., 1892, Pl. III. 6). The adjunct symbols are, on one, an Amphora, and, on
1 The tomb of Mygdon in the territory of Stectorium is mentioned by Paus. (x. 27. 1). See, however, with regard to these types, Regling, in Klio, viii, pp. 489-92, who identifies the hero as Hektor.
Alliance coin with Hierapolis (Verus), rev. Zeus (Pandemos (?) ) seated before the Apollo Kitharistes of Hierapolis standing. For illustrations and lists of magistrates’ names see B. M. C., Phr., p. xcvii ff. and Pl. XLVI.
Temenothyrae Flaviopolis (Ushak), originally, no doubt, a station on the old Royal Road from Smyrna to the East, was situated near the sources of the Hippurius (?) in the highlands to the north of the great plain (Banaz Ova). Its name, Flaviopolis, indicates that, as a πολις, it dates from the time of the Flavian Emperors (Imh., Festschrift für O. Benndorf, p. 207). The coinage, quasi-autonomous and Imperial, ranges from the time of Hadrian to that of Saloninus, and is plentiful. It is remarkable that, with a very few exceptions, the coinage of Temenothyrae consists of dedicatory issues, as is evident from the fact that the Magistrates’ names are almost always in the nominative case with
Alliance coins with Sebaste (Valerian and Gallienus). The two city goddesses with hands joined beneath statuette of Mên. See also Bageis for alliance coins with Temenothyrae struck there.
For illustrations and list of magistrates’ names see B. M. C., Phr., p. ci and Pls. XLVII, XLVIII.
Themisonium. This city was originally a Seleucid foundation in the valley of the upper Indus and its affluent the Cazanes. It was a station on the road from Laodiceia southwards to Cibyra, and was about mid- way between the two. Its name is derived from Themison, the favourite of Antiochus II, and its foundation dates probably from about B.C. 251- 246 (Ramsay, C. & B., i. 252 ff.). There are, however, no coins of Themi- sonium known which can be assigned to pre-Imperial times. Its coins, quasi-autonomous and Imperial, range from Severus to Philip. Inscr., ΘЄΜΙCΩΝЄΩΝ. No magistrates’ names have hitherto been noted. Types—Obverses, Heads of the god ΛΥΚ[ΛΒΑC (?)] CΩΖΩΝ radiate; Sarapis; ΙЄΡΑ ΒΟΥΛΗ; ΔΗΜΟC; &c. Reverses, River-god ΚΑΖΑΝΗC; Athena sacrificing; Asklepios and Hygieia; Dionysos standing; Demeter veiled, to front, with torches in raised hands; Isis standing; Herakles standing between Lykabas Sozon (?) beside his horse, and Hermes; Athena Nikephoros; &c. Pausanias (x. 32) relates that the Themisoneans set up statues of Herakles, Apollo, and Hermes in a cavern near the town. B. M. C., Phr., p. civ and Pl. XLIX.
Tiberiopolis in the district Abbaïtis between Aezanis and Ancyra. Quasi-autonomous from time of Tiberius (?). Inscr., ΔΙΔΥΜΟΙ— CЄΒΑCΤΗ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC. Busts of Livia and the Senate face to face, either as joint founders of a temple of the Augustan worship at Tiberio- polis or as divinized objects of worship side by side with the Emperor; cf. the cultus, at Tiberiopolis, of the ομοβωμιοι Θεοι Σεβαστοι, probably
1 For another explanation of this type see Dieudonné in Rev. Num. 1907, p. 128.
Trajanopolis, a city of the Grimenothyreis, but not identical with Grimenothyrae, from which it was about four miles distant, at the modern village Charik-keui (Imhoof, Festschr. für O. Benndorf, p. 204 ff.). Quasi-autonomous and Imperial coins, Trajan to Gordian. Inscr., ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ. Types—Obverses, Heads of ΙЄΡΑ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟC; ΔΗΜΟC; Athena; &c. Reverses, Nike; Zeus Laodikeus; Athena; Asklepios; Demeter-Tyche; Kybele; Artemis Ephesia; Rider-god with double axe; &c. Magistrates’ names in nominative case with titles, First Archon under Caracalla (Imhoof, Kl. M., 526), and Grammateus and First Archon under Gordian. There are also dedicated coins, though ανεθηκε is not expressed, under Caracalla with inscr. ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟ- ΠΟΛΙΤΑΙC (Imhoof, op. cit., and B. M. C., Phr., p. cv and Pl. I).